Prologue: The disaster

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(Y/N)'s POV:

It was a normal morning, waking up alone, making breakfast, eating, then sitting next to a window to look at nature.

Out of the blue I heard a loud commotion coming from the streets. I decided to get up and exit my house.

There, I saw a guy on the ground, his nose bleeding and a few scratches on his face. He was trying to explain something to someone, and I followed his gaze, and found my dearest and only friend, Tanjiro Kamado.

My mood got a bit better and I walked up to the boy, and greeted him.

"Hey, Tanjiro, how's it going?" I noticed the basket on his back, full of charcoal.

3rd person POV:

"Ah, hey (Y/N), haven't seen you in a bit! I brought more coal than the usual, just to help my family more!" The red haired boy waved at (Y/N).

"What's going on anyway? It's a bit too early for all this noise..." (Y/N) said groggily with closed eyes and a hunched back.

"Apparently a vase broke in this man's house, and they thought it was him who broke it. He's saying it was a cat. I've been asked to identify who did it." Tanjiro explained to the boy who just approached him, while the man held out a few pieces of the broken vase.

The eldest Kamado sibling sniffed it and thought a bit before coming to a conclusion. "It was the cat." He smiled at the man.

The adult sighed a sigh of relief and thanked the boy before walking off towards his house.

"That sense of smell of yours is just too great.. I probably wouldn't even smell a thing!" (Y/N) complained. "Also, let me help you with all that charcoal!"

"That would be a great help, all this coal is hurting my back!" Tanjiro chuckled and the two boys walked off.

A few hours went by, (Y/N) even invited Tanjiro over for lunch as a break before setting off again and helping everyone they could.

Night time came faster than the two boys thought and the red haired boy had to go back home as to not worry his siblings and parent.

"Let me carry that basket up for you, you're probably exhausted from carrying it around all day!" (Y/N) offered.

"No, no, you don't have to.." Tanjiro tried to protest.

"Nah, I insist! That's what a friend is for!" (Y/N) smiled while looking at his best friend.

"Fine, as long as you promise to stay safe while coming back down." Tanjiro agreed and took off the basket and handed it over to the (H/C) haired male next to him.

"I promise." The boy nodded.

They started their journey up the mountain after (Y/N) made sure his house was surely locked. A few minutes into the walk they had  reached a house.

They passed it when a voice called out to them. "Tanjiro! And your friend over there! You aren't going up the mountain, are you?! It's dangerous!"

"Don't worry, I got a good nose for trouble. We'll be fine." Tanjiro answered the man.

"You can stay here. Please. Come back." The man insisted on the two not going up the mountain at night.

"But-" (Y/N) tried to reason but was cut off.

"It's alright. You're welcome here. You don't want to run into any demons, do you?" The man's voice became a little deeper at the end.

Tanjiro and (Y/N) just looked at each other with a serious look and then back at the man offering them a place to stay at for the night, and they both nodded and walked over to the door.

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