Chapter 4: Sabito and Makomo

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3rd person POV:

"Where'd you come from?!" (Y/N) asked in shock.

"What are you doing?" The guy with the fox mask asked Tanjiro.

"Doing? I'm training..?" Tanjiro answered, confused.

"How long do you plan to have your butt stuck in the mud? Take a stance!" The man ordered the burgundy haired boy, then pointed at (Y/N). "You. Prepare yourself, you're next.

Tanjiro quickly got up, taking a stance. "Now attack!" The man yelled at Kamado.

He did as told, and ran at the man. He swung the sword, but the peach haired guy blocked the attack, and tripped Tanjiro over.

The strange guy swung his wooden sword at Tanjiro, who tried his best to block while still being on the ground.

He managed to finally stand up, but he still had to keep blocking the attacks. He failed to  do so when he got hit once in the neck, which made him a bit dizzy, and that gave a chance for the taller male to upper cut Tanjiro with the hilt of the wooden sword, sending him off the ground, knocking him out. He fell down with a large thud.

The peach haired guy immediately turned towards (Y/N), taking a stance and launching at him.

(Y/N), who was already standing, was ready to block his attack. He was successful, but the force of the attack sent him into a nearby tree. The man didn't waste a second and jumped at (Y/N), who was barely able to dodge.

Holding up his sword in front of him, he charged at the man, swinging his sword as much as he could and as fast as he could.

The man blocked all the hits effortlessly, and when (Y/N)'s attacks got sloppier and slower, he did the same move he did on Tanjiro, knocking the (H/C) haired boy unconscious.

After knocking the two boys out, the strange guy looked at a girl that was watching from the sidelines.

"I leave the rest to you." He said to the girl, and walked into the misty forest, disappearing. The girl just nodded.


Tanjiro slowly opened his eyes, immediately noticing the girl that was sitting next to him.

"Are you alright?" The girl asked Tanjiro, looking down at him.

Said boy shot up, remembering what happened before he fell unconscious.

"Did you see what happened?!" Tanjiro yelled, the girl just looked at him confused. "That was an incredible blow! Not a bit of unnecessary motion! It was truly beautiful! That's how I want to be too! But is that even possible? Can I do it..?" He got unsure about it at the end.

"I'm sure you can. I'll watch over you." The girl smiled, eyes closed, and tilted her head to the side. Tanjiro blushed a bit.

"Uh.. who are you?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'd like to know that too.." (Y/N), finally awake as well, asked. His eyes were still closed.

The girl just giggled. "I'm Makomo. And the boy you two fought earlier is Sabito."

The next few hours went by with Makomo pointing out the defects in the two boys' style of fighting. She even pointed out the unnecessary movements and bad habits of the two.

The two always ask why she does this for them, but she always answers: "We really like Urokodaki."

She told them how she and Sabito weren't siblings, but orphans that Urokodaki took in and raised.

She even explained to them what happens while they were using total concentration breathing.

Makomo motivated them to train even harder, which is what they did.

They trained until they felt like their limbs would fall off, their heart or lungs would explode. But there was still one issue.

They still couldn't beat Sabito.


Another 6 months have passed, and they were still trying their best to beat the peach haired male.

One day, Sabito was waiting for them with an actual katana. Seeing this, a wave of determination washed over the two boys.

"Come at me at the same time. I wanna see what you two trained for." Sabito said, taking a stance.

The two readied their blades, charging at the male in front of them almost immediately.

Both noticed something they haven't even seen before. A thread connecting their swords with Sabito's mask. They raised their swords at the same time, swinging down with all their might.

The fox mask was split into three pieces, the middle one falling to the ground, exposing Sabito's face. He looked kinda sad, but still smiled.

Suddenly, Sabito disappeared, and they heard a voice. The voice of Makomo. "Win, Tanjiro, (Y/N).. against them too." And she disappeared as well in the mist.

Once the mist cleared, the two could see the boulder in front of them, two cuts going through it, forming the shape of an X.

The two teared up at the sight, and (Y/N) started jumping around, cheering with happiness in his voice. Urokodaki approached the two from the mist.

"I did not intend to send you two to the final selection. I had no wish to see another child die. I didn't think you two would split the boulder.. but both of you did well." Urokodaki patted Tanjiro's head, who was still in the same spot.

"Tanjiro.. go to the final selection with (Y/N). But make sure you two return alive. Your sister and I will be here, awaiting your return."

That night, (Y/N), Tanjiro and Urokodaki had the best meal they ever had for the past two years. Sakonji went all out with his cooking.


The next day the two boys that were training for the past few years were getting ready for the final selection. Both of them got fox masks, like Sabito and Makomo, and the blue wave patterned haori with clouds that Urokodaki wore.

They were walking further and further away from the house, waving.

"We're on our way, Urokodaki!" Tanjiro waved.

"Give our best to Sabito and Makomo!" (Y/N) told Sakonji, while waving.

Urokodaki's eyes widened at that, even though no one could see it. "(Y/N).. how is it you know the names of the dead.."


Another one finished, sorry this one was shorter. I had school stuff to do so I didn't upload.

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