Chapter 10: Asakusa Part 2

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Nezuko looked over to the sleeping (Y/N) next to her after watching her brother run off. She saw that the bowl that the udon was in started to burn his hand. She panicked and immediately took the bowl out of (Y/N)'s hands, setting it down on the other side of her.

Once she did that, she relaxed, and soon fell asleep as well.


Tanjiro was walking back towards his two traveling companions after realizing he left them behind. Seeing the udon stand he started running towards it. When he got there, he saw Nezuko and (Y/N) asleep, her sister's head resting on his friend's shoulder.

He smiled at the sight, but his happy mood was interrupted by the owner of the stand yelling at him about his bowl of udon he dropped.

The arguing of the two woke up the two sleeping kids and all they could see was Tanjiro devouring two bowls of yamakake udon.

After he was done, he set down his bowl and chopsticks, then got up and thanked the owner. "Thanks for the meal! It was delicious!"

Tanjiro walked over to the two sitting on the bench and apologized. "Sorry for leaving you two alone, Nezuko, (Y/N).." He rubbed the back of his head.

The two sitting got up and the trio started their journey once again. Nezuko suddenly stopped both boys by grabbing onto their haoris and started growling while facing one of the many trees on the side of the road.

From behind the tree Nezuko was growling at came out the male demon that was with the female demon that helped out Tanjiro. 

"Were you waiting for me? I could've followed the scent, but-" Tanjiro said out of surprise, but was interrupted.

"We're under a concealment spell, so there's no way you could trace us. Besides.." The demon pointed at Nezuko. "Isn't she a demon? What's more, she's a hag."

That left Tanjiro to think about what the demon had said. The newly arrived demon then looked over to (Y/N), and saw that his eyes turned into one of a demon's, glowing with (F/C). The (H/C) haired demon was glaring with anger at the lavender eyed demon after he insulted his best friend's sister.

"Nezuko...? SHE'S NOT UGLY!! TAKE A LOOK AT THOSE FEATURES! NEZUKO WAS KNOWN AS THE TOWN BEAUTY!" Tanjiro was mad at the male demon for his insult.

Now he was pointing at (Y/N). "He's a demon as well? He was a human before I looked at him. I can't tell which version of you is better. Both are really hideous."

(Y/N) got so mad he wanted to punch the rude demon, but his punch was evaded by back stepping. (Y/N) stumbled forward and almost hit the tree, but was saved by Tanjiro who grabbed onto his haori and pulled him to his feet.

"Let's go." The lavender eyed demon said, turning around and walking away.

"You're not getting away that easily!" (Y/N) yelled after him.

"OKAY, BUT CALLING HER A HAG IS WAY OUT OF LINE! LOOK AT HER SOMEPLACE WITH BETTER LIGHTING! LIKE OVER HERE!" Tanjiro kept on yelling and brought Nezuko under a street lamp just so she would be more visible.


The group of four finally arrived to the hidden house. Tanjiro was still yelling about his sister's beauty. Once they entered, the demon that led them there called out to a demon lady that sat on a chair next to a bed with a woman lying in it. "We're back."

"Welcome back." The lady greeted them.

"Oh! Are they alright? Sorry for just leaving them to you." Tanjiro quickly apologized once he recognized who the woman was.

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