Chapter 15: Butterfly Mansion

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Slowly opening his eyes, (Y/N) quickly sat up and clutched his right eye in pain. The unfamiliar room freaked the boy out even more.

"What great timing!" (Y/N) heard a cheerful and feminine voice coming from his right. "But you should lay down and continue resting.. Oyakata-sama postponed a meeting with the hashira and you a week from the moment you wake up."

(Y/N) looked towards the source of the voice and saw a short woman in a butterfly haori, walking over to him. "Wait, you're the lady from that mountain!"

"Yes. I'm Shinobu Kocho, the Insect Pillar, and you currently are in my mansion, called the Butterfly Mansion." Shinobu introduced herself.

"Um.. nice to meet you.. Shinobu-san. How long have I been out?" (Y/N) asked, curious. "And why does my eye hurt so damn much.."

Shinobu chuckled, then answered. "You've been out for four days. For your eye, you should wait until the pain stops then take the bandage off. It's not missing don't worry!" She smiled.

"Alright. Thank you so much." (Y/N) laid back down and closed his eyes. Shinobu left the room soon after.


After thirty minutes, (Y/N) still couldn't fall asleep. All he could do was to stare at the ceiling. A little bit later, someone's running footsteps could be heard outside of the room.

The door burst open, and revealed a burgundy haired boy. (Y/N) looked over and immediately recognized his friend. "Tanjiro!"

Tanjiro ran over to (Y/N)'s bed and hugged his friend, relieved that he is okay.

"I'm so glad you're alright!" The two released each other and Tanjiro pulled a chair over to sit down. "So.. can you tell me how you mimicked my Hinokami Kagura?"

"Well.. I remembered my mother... She had a Blood Demon Art called Mimicry. Basically all it can do is mimic any breathing style and blood demon art, but it is a lot weaker. I'm glad I remembered when I did, because if I did later, I probably wouldn't have won against Rui.."

"Well, you still did really great! But, now that you've avenged your parents, what will you do?" Tanjiro asked.

"My main goal now is to defeat and behead Kibutsuji. It'd be pretty epic if we'd fight that guy together, don'cha think?" (Y/N) chuckled.

"Yeah.. but we're nowhere near as strong as him, we'd probably get killed in an instant.. Wait, why is there a bandage around your eye? You didn't even get injured there." Tanjiro pointed out, pointing at the bandage around (Y/N)'s right eye.

"Oh yeah, Shinobu-san said that if I don't feel any pain I can take it off." (Y/N) explained. "Speak of the devil, I don't feel pain anymore."

(Y/N) reached for the bandage to take it off. Once he lifted it, he regained his vision in his right eye and saw that Tanjiro was shocked.

"What?" (Y/N) asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Um.. you might wanna see that in a mirror." (Y/N) got up and walked over to a near mirror. What he saw made him shocked as well.


In response to the loud (Y/N), two sets of running footsteps could be heard running towards the source of the yell.

Inosuke barged into the room, dragging a panicked Zenitsu after him.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?! WHERE IS THE DEMON! I'LL KILL IT!" Inosuke yelled, waving one of his swords around in the air.

"Calm down, there's no hostile demon here!" Tanjiro tried to calm down the boar.

"My, my~ Didn't think we'd see each other so soon." Shinobu's joyful voice could be heard from the door. "You shouldn't be screaming that loud.. I almost thought the mansion was under attack!" 

"U-uhm- I'm sorry Shinobu-san!" (Y/N) bowed then apologized. Inosuke and Zenitsu only noticed (Y/N)'s eye after the (H/C) haired boy rose back up.

"Wha-what's going on with (Y/N)'s eye?! IS HE GOING TO DIE?! PLEASE TELL ME HE'S NOT GOING TO DIE!!" Zenitsu panicked while Inosuke just rubbed his head, trying to make sense of what happened to his friend's eye.

"Zenitsu! Calm down! Nothing's going to happen to me! Now stop screaming!" The youngest in the room tried calming down the french fry haired boy.


Zenitsu finally calmed down, and the four boys found a place to sit. Tanjiro and (Y/N) sat on the bed, Zenitsu sat on a chair and Inosuke just sat down on the floor. Shinobu stood in front of the four boys with Aoi leaning on the doorframe with her arms crossed, the three butterfly girls and Kanao peaking into the room, curious as to what happened a few minutes ago.

"Let me explain everything. First of all, nothing bad is happening to (Y/N). Yet. What happened to (Y/N)'s eye is still really confusing to me, since I've never met a human that was half demon. But what I can tell is that his right eye remained in it's demon form because of the over usage of his -what I think- new ability, plus the anger that boiled up inside him." Shinobu explained briefly.

"Since you told me what your Blood Demon Art can do, I'll help you learn some of my breathing forms, and I'll request some of the Hashira's help as well. I will see what I can do." Shinobu spoke to (Y/N).  

(Y/N) smiled widely, excited to see what the Hashira are capable of. "Thank you, Shinobu-san!"

(Y/N) saw one of the girls at the door flip a coin, then coming out from behind the wall and walking into the room.

"I'd like to demonstrate my moves too."


I'm sorry I took so long, it'll probably take a longer to make chapters since August is filled with holidays for me. I hope you understand and forgive me. I'm sorry I looked you in the eyes.

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