New Academy

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Leigh-Anne's POV:

I could see Perrie 'stretching her arms'  before resting her arm on my shoulder. I moved closer to her, laying my back against her chest.

I noticed her hands began to shake. If i wasn't so focused I probably wouldn't have noticed. I held her hand.

"Are you in a relationship?" I asked her only because I heard the doms here were hoes. Most of them.

"No, you?"

I shook my head.

She shifted so that she was laying down with her head on my lap. She laid on her back looking up at me.

"Are you here to find someone or just experience something new?" She asked as she held my hand fidgeting with the band on my middle finger.


"How long have you been here?"

"A few days, I was at a different academy but they're under investigation."

"For what?"

"They were mistreating the subs. They would train them beyond their limits and traffic them as sex slaves. It was all about sex there. That wasn't what I wanted but I would've been stuck there because I didn't read the contract properly"

"Yeah, we always have seminars to read the contract here."

"This place definitely seems better. But the head mistresses seem a bit strict."  her hands roaming my bare skin.

"Whose your Advisor?"


"Oh. . . I don't think I met your headmistress before-Does this hurt?" She ran her hands over my branding.

"Not anymore. When I first got it, it did for weeks after."

"Did they do this at your old academy?"


"What does it mean?"

I stared at it with her.

"Am I bring too nosy?"

"No, it stands for submissive"

"Oh. I'm sorry they branded you, you're not an animal."

"Its okay. You're so sweet and caring Perrie. I like that about you.,"

"Do you?"


"You know. I'm a Dom"

". . . Okay. You can be a caring, sweet Dom. At least you can be with me."

"Thank you. I feel like I can't be myself around here."

"What do you mean?"

Just as she was about to answer me, my advisor walked into her dorm.

"You need to get to your dorm Leigh."

"Can I spend the night? Please. We're getting to know each other."

"No, the headmistress is making rounds tomorrow. Come on"

"Can we continue tomorrow?"

"Sure babe. Goodnight." Perrie kissed my cheek and I hugged her. I stood up taking Teyana's hand. She began walking me to my dorm.

"You need to stay away from her"


"She's trouble and the headmistress isn't too fond of her." 

"But, I think I like her. I want to see where we can go."

"You just met her.  Look,She's a nice girl Leigh-Anne but I don't think she's the one for you."

I'm glad no one asked what she thought.

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