Danger to Society [2]

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"Bubba? Do you want to come to earth with mama?"


"Why not"

"I'm a monster. I just want to be alone" She sighed. She's been quite sad and distant since being rejected from training school.

"Okay. I love you baby, I'll be right back"

"Wait, mama" 

"What's wrong?" Samara came back into Leigh-Anne's room. Leigh-Anne tapped her cheek.

"How could I forget" She hugged the six year old and kissed her cheek before kissing all over her face making her smile.

"Maybe we could get you some sweets, would you like that?" Leigh-Anne's smile fell as she shook her head going back to playing with her toys.

Samara teleported to Earth.

"The fuck happened over here?" She stepped over the bodies and tried not to fall into huge cracks on the side walks.

She came here for a reason but she couldn't find it.

"I'm just hoping it's not another fire child." She sighed looking around for the kid. Leigh-Anne was enough, she didn't need anymore baby super humans.

Two hours of looking and she was completely exhausted. She walked into a nearby market helping herself to some snacks and drinks. She sat on the floor and opened her hand, palm up.  a 3d holographic map appeared. She then saw a small red dot on it.

She walked around the destroyed town trying to locate the kid. She flew over the collapsed buildings and that's when she noticed that her marker was right above the red dot. Casting a spell to remove the rubble and debris. She was confused when she didn't see an unconscious child.

"What the hell!?" She grumbled frustratedly.


"Yes Leigh-Anne?"

"I want. . . I want a apple pie with ice cream please. Plain with the little black dots in it."

"Okay baby. I'll bring it but mama is a little busy right now."


Leigh-Anne plopped in her bed staring at the ceiling. She put her hands up staring at them. She hated being all fiery. She got a not so brilliant idea and went down to the kitchen. Being that she was home alone she didn't have to worry about anyone stopping her. She grabbed the biggest knife she could find and put it to her wrist. If she cut off her hands, she wouldn't have these stupid powers. . . Or so she thought. She couldn't feel it because her hands were so hot but she was cutting through her skin. There was no blood because it evaporated as soon as some spilled out.

"Leigh-Anne, What the hell are you doing?" Damian snatched the knife from her.

"Are you supposed to be in the kitchen?"

"No papa"

"Are you supposed to be holding or using a knife?"

"No papa"

"No. You're not. What is wrong with you?Go to your room! " Leigh-Anne's lower lip quivered as Damian shouted at her. she ran to her room. Her small footprints permanently imprinted in the hardwood floor.

She sat in her bed with her knees to her chest as she cried. Small blue flames fell onto her pajamas.

"Owww!!" She rubbed her eyes trying to take the burning pain away. But it only hurt more because of the open wound on her wrist.

"What's wrong?" Samara reappeared in her bedroom. She could sense Leigh-Anne's pain and distress. 

"Baby, what happened??"

"Papa yelled at me" she cried hugging the woman

"Mommy will talk to papa, what happened to your hand and your eyes.  Look at me"

"Owwww" She cried clutching her stomach.

"Let mommy see" Samara tried to raise her shirt but Leigh-Anne wrapped her arms around her stomach protectively.

"Let me see bubba" She removed Leigh-Anne's arms before raising her shirt. The branding on her stomach was dark red. Really really dark.

"It burns mama. It burns!!" She jumped up and down as more fire tears fell. She was in too much pain and overwhelmed.  She burst into wild flames and Samara left the room to let her do what she needed to.

"Why would you yell at her? Don't yell at my child"

"She tried to cut her damn wrist off. She needs help Samara."

"No she doesn't. She's not crazy"

"She is and they already told you she's a danger to society."

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