Told You So [Extra]

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Leigh-Anne and Perrie walked hand and hand Into the hospital where her dad was.

"You think he's dead?"

"No. Don't think like that"

As they were regular visitors they were handed passes and allowed to go straight up to his room.

"Dad?" Perrie let go of her wife's hand walking over to the man.

"Yeah. I'm up."

"Is everything okay?"

"Not really."

"What's wrong."

"You know I'm not getting any better Perrie"

"Yeah. . . What does that have to do with anything? Did they give you a time?"

"not yet but I have something to ask you. It's a big favor and feel free to say no but it's my only wish"

"I'm not going to kill you"

"Not that."

"Then what?"

"You have a baby sister." Leigh-Anne looked up at her wife when she heard this.

"Umm okay"

"I need you to take care of her please."

"Dad, I'm not ready for that type of responsibility. I don't even have a job. I'm still in school. I just learned how to take care of myself"

"How old is she?" Leigh-Anne asked.

"Two, she turns three next year in June."

"Leigh-Anne, We're not ready"

"How do we know if we don't try?"

"We're not ready. I'm always at school you're always at work, we're barely home."

"I can work from home or ask my parents to watch her from time to time"

"That's not fair to them, Leigh."

Leigh-Anne was never a really big fan of children but she promised herself that if the opportunity came that she would take it. Amina and Jamie changed her life and she wanted to do it for someone else when she got the chance. Now was the chance but she didn't realize how selfish she was being. She wanted to take care of a child to make herself feel better about making it a full circle.

"I can take a break from work, Pez. Besides I hate being home all alone when you're at school and now I can have a baby. She's still young."


"Come on, it's his dying wish. She deserves to grow up with a family. Doesn't she?"

Perrie nodded. She wasn't ready for this change. But Leigh-Anne managed to talk her way into taking in a two year old.


"Mommy?" Leigh-Anne whispered into the phone, it was about four in the morning.

"Leigh-Anne, it better be an emergency"

"It is. Um. I have a baby here with me and she's sick. I don't know what to do"

"Sick, how? What baby?"

"I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing I need help. Can you please come help me"


"Please. I don't want to wake Perrie, she has finals tomorrow."

"You're ridiculous.  You don't need to have kids until you're thirty. Let this be your lesson" Amina got dressed driving twenty minutes to her daughter's house.

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