Dad's new GF

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"Why is she here!?" Leigh-Anne groaned seeing his dad's new fling when she came down the stairs.

"I live here, sweetheart"

"Don't call me sweetheart. You don't live here. Dad make her leave"

"Leigh-Anne, I told you she moved in with me."

"No, she's a gold digger and I'm going to tell mommy"

"There's nothing your mommy can do."

"Dad! Tell her to leave"

"Bambina, why are you acting like this?"

"Because. You have another woman in your house."

"Your mom and dad broke up. That's that"

"Shut up. Stay out of it, botched barbie doll"

"Leigh-Anne" Jamie warned.

"No. Do you really think she looks better than my mom? No she doesn't. She doesn't have a job, she expects you to do everything and shower her in name brand and that's not how things should work. She was also really rude to my Perrie and I don't appreciate that."

"Well, I have something your mom doesn't and that's him" she smiled rubbing her hands down Jamie's chest. Leigh-Anne sighed angrily while he pushed the woman away from her.

"Are you doing this to make mama upset? Because she's doing the same thing."

"What?" This seemed to get his attention.

"Yeah, we met her boyfriend. Big strong guy with a strong beard and he's an surgeon."

"Really?" Jamie knew his wife had a soft spot for men with real jobs.

"That's fine, I'm going to do what she couldn't and give him a baby" Leigh-Anne looked at her father with disgust before grabbing her car keys and leaving.

When she got home she went straight to her room.

"Babe are you okay?" Perrie asked from her bed.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?"

"Your mom said I can stay here. Should I sleep in the guest bedroom?"

"No. No." Leigh-Anne laid in bed beside her girlfriend. Hugging her.

"What happened?"

"If I were a guy and I couldn't get you pregnant and we broke up would you go get pregnant by another guy?"

"I mean. . .if I really loved this person and we agreed to have a baby then yeah, maybe but not out of spite. Why?"

Leigh-Anne shook her head closing her eyes.

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