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"Perrie, What are you doing?" Leigh-Anne smiled at her best friend. She couldn't even see her because she was moving so much.

"Getting dressed"

"Where are you going?"

"I'm coming with you."

"No youre not"

"You're not going over there by yourself. You don't even know him. He's probably a murderer or something"

"Okay fine. I'll come pick you up first. Then we will drive over there."

"Yeah and hurry up." Leigh-Anne shook her head checking herself in the mirror before grabbing her wallet and car keys.

She drove to Perrie's apartment waiting for her.

"I know you are not running the shower" Leigh-Anne sighed.

"Just a quick one. I started getting dressed but I remembered I didn't take one last night and you can never be too safe. Come upstairs"

"No. Hurry up"

"Come on, I need help picking an outfit"

"For what!? You're coming with me to meet my. . . "

"Boyfriend. Yeah I know. But he might have a cute friend. Come help me. Don't be selfish."

Leigh-Anne rolled her eyes but went upstairs to help her pick an outfit.


"Look at how cheesy you are. Eww, I want my bestfriend back"

"Shut up"

"Good thing you wore dark pants."


"I'm just saying, you have a little history of-"

"I'm going to kick you out and you can walk home."

"Okay fine. But I'm happy for you Leigh. You seem really happy and I'm glad that you fully moved on from that dickhead."

"Well. . ."

"Well what? You can't still be thinking about him. He cheated on you, did you forget?"

"No. But I was with him since I was seventeen so I still think about him here and there. He was my first love."

Perrie gagged.

"No. First love my ass. He had a baby. Did you forget that?"

". . .No"  Leigh-Anne frowned. She really saw herself being with her ex boyfriend forever. She took him back after he did her wrong several times. But having a baby was the last straw. She had no other choice. 

"On the topic of babies. Tell him to wrap it up. I can't have you getting pregnant right now. I would love to be a godmother but not now, Tomorrow or anytime soon."

"When can I have a baby, Perrie?"

"When I get a man. Then we can get pregnant at the same time. If you get pregnant you can't drink and you're going to be all mommified."


"Yeah. You know what I mean."

"I do like the idea of having a baby at the same time. Our kids would be like siblings. But by the time you find a man my baby factory is going to be closed"

"Fuck you. You can't talk because you found one online. Quite desperate if you ask me"

"You set up my account!"

"You didn't delete it."

"You. . .you uh. . ."

"You, you. Get your words out" Perrie mocked.

"Shut up. That's why you're going to be single forever."

"Wow. We're hitting below the belt now?" Perrie shifted so that she was facing the window.

"I'm joking" perrie smacked her hands away when she put it on her thigh.

"Dont speak that into existence Leigh-Anne.  You know how I feel about that"

"I know, I'm sorry. But, we have an agreement.  You will never be single forever."

"But you have a boyfriend now so our agreement is out of place."

"Aw pez. To be fair, I really do like him but I don't think we will be a forever thing."

"Just don't get my hopes up Leigh. You deserve to be happy, even if that means your bestfriend will be all alone forever."

"Who knows. He might be into throuples."

"Leave me alone" Perrie pouted playfully.

She and Leigh-Anne made an agreement in the tenth grade that if they were both single by thirty that they would date each other. It was meant to be a joke but Perrie began to develop feelings for her bestfriend and the agreement became a promise. They didn't break promises.

"We're here. Do i look okay?"

"Yeah. I think i'm going to wait in the car. Call me if you need me"

"Are you serious, I was just joking babe. I don't want to go alone. Come with me please"

"I'll come in, in a few minutes."

"Okay. You don't have to if you really don't want to." Perrie nodded watching her walk up to the apartment building. She got out and followed her after checking her hair and breath.

Leigh-Anne took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"One second." She smiled hearing his voice. She was hoping everything would go the way they planned.


"Hi" She hugged the man before walking into the messy apartment. She looked around in disgust and he noticed immediately. 

"I'm sorry about this. I haven't had the chance to straighten up. You can go in my room. It's clean"

"Okay" She walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed.

A few seconds later a girl walked in.

"Hey Leigh"

"Hi, do I know you?"

"I'm Jesy"

"Okay, So he has a twin?"

"Something like that"

"Oh okay, nice to meet you"

"I'm the one you've been talking to Leigh-Anne." Leigh-Anne laughed at the thought of her being romantically involved with a woman . . .other than Perrie of course.

"You're joking right?Who was the guy I was talking to?"

"Him. But I was telling him what to say. Everything I said was one hundred percent. I really like you Leigh-Anne"

"I'm not gay. I'm sorry. Im. . .i have to go."

"Please think about it, Leigh-Anne. I really like you a lot" Leigh-Anne nodded leaving the bedroom.

"Lets go" She took the beer out of Perrie's hand and pulled her off the couch.

"What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you when we get to the car. That place is so dirty you probably have bed bugs on your clothes."

"Stop being mean. He's actually really cool."

"I don't think you understand. He is really a she" Leigh-Anne grumbled when they got in the car. 


"My 'boyfriend' is a woman."

"Is he like. . .?"

"No. She's a woman. I'm so pissed off"

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