What About Her [Extra]

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"Give it to me, Leighton!"

"No. Had it first" The five year old moved away from his older brother.

"It's mine!" Jaden grumbled trying to take his figurines back.

"I need worker!" He ran off, Jaden followed, chasing his little brother around before he got an idea.

He ran over to the padded play mate, grabbing one of his wooden construction trucks.

"Nooo!!! Mine, That's mine!!!" He screamed trying to snatch the truck from his brother.

Neither of them seemed to notice their pregnant mother shift. She was taking a nap on the sofa, waiting for her wife to get home.

When Jaden didn't give him his truck back he began to cry.

"I'm gonna scream" Leighton threatened.

"I don't care you big baby"

"Give meee!!!"


Leighton began screaming.

"Stop screaming"Jaden covered his ears.

"Hey, cut it out. Mommy's trying to sleep and I'm trying to do my homework. Shush." Their older sister told them.

"Tell him to give me sissy!" Leighton whined to her.

"Give him his action figure."

"Nooooo" he grumbled.

When he returned to the living room Jaden snatched his toy before throwing the truck at his little brother.

"Owww" he threw the truck back and they began to fight.

"Hey, cut it out you two"

Perrie opened her eyes with a sigh. 

"Boys. Boys please." She groaned. She was exhausted. . . All the time, she just needed a little nap. She doesn't know why she told Leigh-Anne she would be fine alone with their three children.

Leighton turned on the waterworks walking over to perrie.

"What's wrong pumpkin pop?"

He tried to climb into her lap but her six month old bump made it hard.

"Move it. . ."

"I can't move my belly baby." Perrie sat him on her knees.

"Joey. . . Joey. . ."

"Nu uh mommy! He took-"

"Let him speak first bubba, then you can tell your side, okay?" Jaden nodded sitting next to Perrie.

"What happened?"

"Him take my toys, mommy. I don't like that."

"Is that all?"

"Uh huh."

"Bub, tell me what happen"

"He stole my Tez, mommy. So I took his truck. Then he just started screaming and crying like a big baby"

"Don't call me names or I'm gonna tell my mama!"

"Hey, that's enough, no more screaming. He's sitting right there he can hear you" Perrie lightly scolded which only caused more tears.

She stood up, picking him up and walking into the kitchen.

Sasha noticed that she had her hand on her lower back

"Didn't mama say to stop carrying him? Get down, Joey"

"Oh hush. How's your studies?"

"Fine." She stood up taking her little brother from her mother and set him on the floor.

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