Forty Four

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A sharp knock on my door jerks me from my sleep. I slowly open my eyes, reach for my phone to check the time and my eyes widen. 1pm. Holy crap! How did I sleep in like this?
The knock resounds and I jump out of bed, only in shorts and a baggy t-shirt and I rush to the door.

When I open it, I first flinch back from the bright light outside and when I look back, Zion stands at the door. He is dressed in his usual work suit but that's not all. He is drenched.

"Dude, why are you wet?" I can't help but ask. It's so bright outside. Why is his suit clinging to his body?

"Can I come in, please?"

"No!" I reply immediately and he frowns. "No, you can't. You can't just show up here after four days of zero communication and just ask me to let you into my house."

"I sent you texts and you didn't reply!"

"Oh," the nerve of this man. "And did you actually expect me to answer them?"

"Of course. That's why I sent them," he cries out. "Can you tell me what's happening? Because I feel like you are mad at me and I have no idea why."


"You can scold me later. Just let me get some warmth, I'm dying over here!"

So, despite my inner fight, I let him in. His clothes from the night he showed up on my door drunk are still here, so, he changes into those after taking a hot shower. However mad I am, I can't also fail to admit the fact that a small - or maybe big - small part is happy to see him. The fact that he still thinks of me counts.

No, Natalia. Don't be weak. He was with Aimee having the time of his life. Don't fall for it.

"So, why are you here?" I immediately ask when he strolls into the living room holding two cups of hot vanilla tea.

He hands me one cup and takes a sip out of his. "Is that even a question? Can't I come to see you just because you are my girlfriend?"

"I'm your girlfriend?" I scoff

"Yes, you are," he deadpans, "what's with the twenty one questions? Didn't we do that game before?"

This is exhausting. Why is he acting oblivious? Does he actually think that he will go around partying with his ex-flings and just show up here? Then what? I welcome him with open arms?

"Y'know, you acting oblivious to all this makes me want to pour this full cup of hot tea all over you."

"Woah," he jumps out of the couch and looks at me bewildered. "Look, Natalia, I really have no idea why you're this mad at me. And I won't know until you tell me."

"Hahaha," I let out a bitter laugh, "did that bitch brainwash you or something? Or maybe what she put in your drinks is stronger than Viagra, huh?"

He puts down his cup and starts advancing towards me. "I don't understand a single thing you are saying but I know it has to do with Aimee. I thought we were past this. What's wrong?"

"Come on," he continues, "say something. Don't stand there and threaten to pour hot tea all over me and then when I ask, you just stay mute. What did I do? What did Aimee do?"

"Are you asking me?" I look at him in disbelief. "You don't remember what you did with her? Or you think I didn't find out that you two went partying together and she was all over you, sitting on your lap!"

Zion stops in his tracks. "What?"

"The party. Aimee was kind enough to send me photos," my voice starts to raise. I get my phone and scroll to Aimee's message with the photo attached. "You really have low standards man. I can't believe you risked your life to go back to someone who once drugged you!"

"I did no such thing," he snatches the phone from my hands and looks at the photo. "When did she send this?"

"Four days ago," I shrug

"Do you know where I was four days ago?"

"With Aimee," I shrug and look away

"No, I wasn't," he emphasizes the last word. "I was in office the whole day finalizing with the marketing strategy. I was moving all over from meeting to meeting that I barely had time to eat, or reply to your message for that matter. What part of that tells you that I had the time to party with someone who drugged me?"

"You are lying," I blurt out

"You think I'm lying?" his whole demeanor changes into the angry one, like when we argued after he accused me of wanting his mother to like me. "What's the use of being in a relationship when you can't trust me?"

"I saw the photo and-"

"Bullshit," he points his finger at me. "You had four whole days to talk to me. I sent texts, you didn't reply. You know my office, you know where my house is. You know where to find my mum if you can't find me. Hell, you could have contacted Riley! But you chose to sit here and make conclusions about something that didn't even happen! That photo was taken very many months ago before I even met you!"


"No, listen to me Natalia," he interrupts me. "That party didn't happen. I don't care if you believe me now or not. I want you to grow up and acknowledge that you are in a relationship with someone. You knew about my past before you agreed to go out with me. My past will show up from time to time and I can't stop it, it's inevitable. But if this is how you're gonna react if something happens without even talking to me, I don't think you are ready to be in a relationship with me."


"I already have so much on my plate y'know," he sighs and starts to walk out of the living room. He pauses and turns to me. "I don't know what goes on in your brain but when you're ready to be in an actual relationship where communication is key, you know where to find me."

And just like that, he slams my door closed and I immediately sit down and cry.

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