Thirty Eight

38 7 0

I don't waste any more time, so, I rush into his arms.
He pulls me closer so I can sit on his lap, both of his arms wrapped around my waist and his face buried in the crook of my neck.

"Hmmm," he hums, the warm breath tickling my skin a little. "This is the best surprise of my life. How are you even here?"

I shrug and laugh a little. "I boarded an Uber and came. It wasn't so hard."

"Well, if you wanted to surprise me, it has worked," he grins widely and strokes the skin behind my ear. "What do you else do you have for me?"

"Cupcakes," I show him the small pastry basket.

I feel him inching closer to me and before I can comprehend what's going on, his warm lips come into contact with my neck with a soft peck. At the same time, an electrifying sensation passes through my skin, all the way through the whole body and goosebumps cover my exposed skin.

"Thank you, babe," he whispers. "That's so thoughtful of you. Did I tell you how much I like you?"

I look down and hide my face in my hands.

"Why are you blushing?" he teases

"Y-you called me babe!"

"You don't like it?" he searches my face

I blink. Is that what he thinks?
"No, I- we didn't y'know talk about uh this whole thing. Like-"

"You're cute," he passes his hands over my shoulders and starts pinching my cheeks. "Do you have second thoughts about letting me take you on that date?"

I shake my head. "No! I can't wait to go on another one."

"Then what's the problem?"

Well, this is even harder than I expected. So, do I ask him to be my boyfriend? Just like that?
Damn you Jeannette!
"So, are we like a couple or dating? Wait, you don't have to answer that, I promise. If I'm going too fast -"

"Natalia," he interrupts and puts his hand over my running mouth. "We are a couple if you want us to. We are exclusive. I want to eat cupcakes with you, watch The Notebook with you, take you on dates, drink apple juice with you. Don't you ever doubt that, okay?"


"Do you doubt me?" he pulls me closer again. "Tell me if there is anything I can do to make you believe me. Because I am serious about you."

"I believe you, I do!" I squeak out. "You just caught me off guard with your cheesy confession."

He holds me silently for the next couple of minutes, with just us enjoying each other's closeness, me smelling his masculine scent that's a mixture of expensive cologne and fresh wood.
I feel his chest rising and falling from breathing and not once does he complain or try to set me down because I'm too heavy.

"Have you had lunch?" I break the silence

He shakes his head and fishes his phone out of a drawer, texts someone and puts it back.
"I'm working on a marketing campaign for the new drink, your drink. I hadn't realized that it's lunch time."

"You have to take care of yourself!"

"Now, why would I do that?" he smirks. "I have you to give me massage and take care of me. I'm one lucky dude."

"Yeah? How much are you giving me to do all that?"

"How much do you want?" he challenges

"Please no," I shake my head at him. "It was a joke. I don't you to pay me to take care of you. I'm with you because I have feelings for you. I don't expect any money deposited into my account by you."

"Come on," he frowns. "I have no use for the money I make. If I don't give it to you, who should I give it to?"

"Here is a crazy idea. In fact, hold my hand because it may shock you," I pause dramatically. "Have you ever considered saving it?"

"Haha," he laughs sarcastically at my lame attempt go make a joke. "But look, I know that you aren't with me for my money. That's why my mum offered to pay you in the first place as a test."

"Yeah, about that-"

"I'm sorry about the whole set up thing. My mum had to confirm if you were really genuine or not. I couldn't stop her," he looks at me with pleading eyes. "But remember what I told you. Besides money and sex, I don't have much to offer in this relationship. If you refuse my money, what can I give you?"

I hold his hand and look up directly at him.
"Listen, this isn't a partnership. It's a relationship."

"I know," he combs his fingers through his hair. "But I want you to look at it this way. I'm not paying you to be my girlfriend. I'm giving it to you as a gift from your boyfriend."

"How's that different?" I laugh at him

"I really want to support you and the business you want to open up. You've done way too much for me and I want you to be successful too. I want you to look at the monthly deposit on your account as my contribution from your supportive boyfriend to the opening of your clothing store."

"Monthly deposit?"

"You will need a lot of money to start a business, Natalia. Let me help you or at least think about it, okay?"

Before I can answer, a knock sounds on the door and Riley comes in moments later with a bottle of apple juice and a bag from a fast food restaurant.

"Ha," Riley looks at our current position - me straddling Zion - and sighs. "I hope you two aren't planning on making babies. Also, Natalia, you need to come here so often because you make this jerk tolerable."

"Just put down our food and leave us alone," Zion grumbles out. "Or, you can stay and watch."

"Ew," Riley makes a disgusted face and runs out of the office.

Zion turns to me and whispers.
"Don't worry. When we decide to finally do it, I won't let him watch."

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