Twenty Eight

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You would think that because Mrs. Thompson and I are practically besties, I would be anything but nervous about the birthday party. Maybe if other people were not invited and it's just Zion, Marble and the birthday kid - but that's not a party, is it?

"You can wear anything you want," Jeanette had said, "because the woman of the family already adores you. And I'm sure that the kid will love you, I mean, you have cupcakes. My cupcakes."

But I still went shopping anyway. I bought a party-worthy dress and borrowed Jeanette's wedge shoes. Jeanette did my make-up to hide my already hideous acne and tied my hair into a very neat ponytail. I felt like Ariana Grande.

Even after all the effort, my heart couldn't stay still. Zion's family is gonna be there. Aunties, uncles, grandparents and rich socialites. I'll be looking like a fish out of but I am gonna get money from it.

I can withstand it for money. I can do it. Besides, Zion will be there.

"You are sweating," Jeanette hands me a bottle of cold water

"How can I not? This is scary."

"You can cancel right now. You don't have to do it because you need money."

"And miss a chance of being closer to Zion? No, thank you. I'll do it."

"What if you meet his ex?"

"I've met Aimee," I shrug, "I won't die if I meet more. As long as they don't shove their tongues into his throat, I don't mind."

Jeanette shakes her head. "You think I believe that?"

"Believe what you want. I'm going to this party."

"Why didn't you let him pick you up?"

"He still doesn't know exactly where I live. I lied to him, remember?"

"Well, people aren't exactly attracted to liars," she warns me with her index finger. Exactly what my mother would do. "So, you better come clean before he finds out himself."

"I'll think about that after today. If I go through it without running into trouble, I'll tell him."

I would hate it if someone lied to me too.

Jeanette orders me an Uber to the party. It's being held at a resort in town, not the Thompson's home as I had expected. But the resort is fully booked for the party and nobody except the invited guests are allowed to come inside.

That's the way of the rich. I want to be rich too.

When the Uber is almost at the resort, I text Zion to let him know that I'll be arriving soon. He responds with a thumb up emoji and tells me that he will be waiting for me at the entrance.

True to his word, he is standing outside making a phone when I arrive. He tells whoever he was calling to hold on and comes over to open the door for me.

"Phew," he breathes out, "I thought that you were going to ditch me. I can't survive this day if you aren't here."

Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I internally curse Jeanette for thinking that a ponytail was a suitable hairstyle for the party. It looks good but it doesn't hide my ears nor my cheeks if Zion says stuff that makes me blush.

"I'm not oxygen. Don't be dramatic."

"You brought the cupcakes?"

"Wouldn't forget them," I show him the basket which I'm surprised he hadn't seen earlier. Was he checking me out?

No, he wouldn't.

"Here, let me take them," he takes the cupcakes. "Rosalia will love you. Don't be surprised when she is all over you all day."

We walk together, side by side into the party. There are swings, bouncing castles, swimming pool, balloons, a bunch of toys and oh God, alot of children yelling and running around.

Despite the yelling, I hear it before I see it.
"Natalia the vampire!" a small body throws itself at me.

And only one person would call me that. Rosalia from the drama club.

Oh my God! No wonder the name sounded so familiar. But forgive me for not expecting a random child I met to be Zion's niece.

"Hey pretty girl," I lift her like I did when she was at the theater. She giggles and removes her birthday hat and slowly puts it on my head. "Happy birthday!"

"You promised to show me your super sharp teeth. Will you show me today?"

"No," I shake my head, "but I brought you something you will like."

"A present?"

"Cupcakes," Zion interrupts and opens the basket to show her the chocolate flavored cupcakes Jeanette and I made.

"Can I eat one? Please," she pouts

"Of course pretty girl. Do you want to share with your friends?"

She nods and wrestles to get out of my arms. When she does, she splints and goes straight to her friends who are playing by the swings.

"Natalia the vampire!" Zion exclaims. "So, you are the one who fixed her dress? We had to first let her fall asleep before removing it from her. She couldn't let it go. How is it you?"

"You have my mum on your side, now there goes Rosalia too. How do you do it? And is there anything you can't do?"

"There's plenty I can't do," I shrug

"Bullshit," he cries out. "You take care of everyone. Your friends, my mum, my niece, the theater. And not once do you ask for anything in return-"

"You pay me. The theater pays me, I don't do it for free."

"You're amazing, y'know that," he refuses to acknowledge my input. "You are selfless. You have your needs too but you still think of other people. You are a very good person that sometimes I feel like I don't pay you enough."

"But -"

"Let me take you to dinner. Just this once, let me thank you for everything, for the idea you gave at the company, for reuniting me with my mum. Let me take you to dinner, please?"

I'm rendered speechless. He wants what? Zion Thompson wants to take me to dinner? I may be dreaming. Or not because before I can reply, Rosalia comes back with a bunch of her friends, yelling and cheering for the cupcakes.

So, he really wants to take me to dinner?

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