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It's human nature to love comfort. Nobody wants to sleep on an empty stomach or under a leaking roof. It's always my dream to never have to worry about any of that when I grow old.

But you know, growing up is a scam.

I'm currently twenty and none of my dreams have come true. When I was little, I thought by twenty, I would be driving, living in my own luxurious apartment and having money at my disposal.

Too bad, I work at a local movie theater.

Some days, I sit at the counter selling tickets, some times I am in the snacks section selling popcorn and drinks for customers and other days, I am working behind the scenes - like cleaning the theater and helping the cast if there is a play being shown.

It's not so bad working there because unlike most jobs, I don't get stuck doing one thing. I get to design costume for the cast of plays - because I am apparently so good at design and get to watch movies and plays without paying.
It's fun. It just doesn't pay as much.

At the end of the day, I have money on me and I haven't slept hungry in my entire life. That however doesn't mean that I am comfortable.
I live in a single room that has one small bed made out of springs, one single seater couch and other small things a lady would need.

"Are you prepared for today?" Jeanette, one of my coworkers at the theater asks as she throws the work t-shirt at me to change into.

Jeanette is responsible for keeping the work uniforms clean and she does it without fail. The other coworker, Alex, is in charge of our meals. Our shifts start at 3pm and end at around 11pm and we need to eat in between.

"I have to eat something first," I rub my stomach which in turn makes a rambling noise.

Just then, Alex enters with a polyethylene bag from the fast food restaurant opposite the theater.
"Fries and coke for Jean," he hands Jeanette her food and turns to me, "fries, scrambled eggs and sprite for Natalia."

Getting my food from him, I notice that the polyethene bag is empty.
"What did you get for yourself?" I ask him

"I have a date after work," he says with a bright smile, "I'm taking my date to dinner and I need appetite for that."

"You know," Jeanette says, taking a sip from her drink, "a date is meant for two people to know about each other not for you to eat unhealthy amounts of food."

"Spare me," Alex shrugs and starts changing into his work t-shirt. "I only get to eat good food once in a while. Besides, it's on my bill so, why not eat to my maximum?"

"These GenZ boys," Jeanette chuckles, "they aren't romantic. All they care about is themselves. Watch who you date, Natalia."

At that, I burst out laughing. Date? That word and I can't be used in the same sentence.
"Don't worry about me. I think my soulmate was aborted or he is somewhere, probably in Vatican city being consecrated as a Catholic priest."

We continue chatting for a while until it's 3pm and we have to start working.
Jeanette and Alex clean around while I make snacks for the day.  Soon enough, customers start flooding the theater.

Being the only theater in Church Hill, we are never short of customers. That is because we provide a variety of shows - comedy, real movies, live band and plays.
There is something for everyone.

Tonight, I'm at the counter selling tickets. It's an extremely busy night but fun too because it's also the day I get to witness couples coming in and out of the theater.
The tickets are selling at a high rate to watch the movie being shown - The Notebook.

"One ticket please," a customer requests

"That will be-" I look up, only to see a man standing on his own, "are you here alone?"


"I'm sorry," I smile at him sadly, "we aren't selling single tickets tonight."

The man frowns. "Why the hell not?"

"It's a Valentine's day thing. We sell couple tickets at lower prices to help couples celebrate their day in a classic but cheap way." He nods in understanding but still doesn't go away. Of course, I feel his pain. Being single on Valentine's day doesn't sound like something anyone would enjoy - well, except me who has never had a date but that's besides the point.

"I can get you a single ticket," I propose. His face lights up but the smile fades as fast as it appeared upon hearing the next sentence. "But you will have to pay twice the price of the couple ticket."

"Why can't you give me the couple ticket? I really want to watch this movie," he begs. I almost give in but then remember that I don't make the rules. If my boss finds out, I'll be jobless in no minute.

"I can't do that. You have to get a date."

"But I'm out of cash," he tugs on the strings of his hoodie. "Can you lend me some cash?"

"Absolutely not," I laugh. "I don't even know you."

"This movie is my favorite. I want to watch it!"

He paces outside the theater, my eyes keep watching him. Even as I serve other customers, my eyes keep watching him.
He types on his phone a couple of times, probably to text his girlfriend or something but I guess everyone decided to ditch him.

When just one ticket is left, he comes running to the booth again.
"What can I do to change your mind?"

"Nothing," I shake my head. "I'm sorry but I really can't help you."

"Do you have a date?" he asks instead

My eyes widen. "Why are you asking?"

"If you don't have one, be my date."

"Haha, you are joking," I laugh hoping that it's a joke. But he stands there looking anything but amused. "You are serious?"


"What's the catch?"

"I'll pay you," he shrugs

"You can't afford a single ticket," I deadpan

"I didn't say that I'm out of money. I said that I'm out of cash. Name your price, I'll transfer it right now but you have to be my date to the movie."

It sounds so easy. I can do it. It's just a few hours and I'll be getting extra money. What's there to lose?

"Okay, deal."

Halfway through the movie, he hands me his phone and asks me to type my bank account number.
He types a few times, a notification pops up on my phone indicating payment of hundreds of dollars to my account and the man next to me chuckles.

"Natalia Reyes, just like the actress," he laughs again. "Interesting."

It's after everything is all over and I'm in my bed that I realize that I didn't ask for his name. I shake the thought away.

It was a one-time thing, right?

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