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"Do you think Jeanette is okay?" Alex asks as he puts down the broom he was using.

"Why do you ask?"

"She has been rushing to the bathroom every ten minutes at least and her appetite hasn't been that good."

Am I a bad friend for not noticing such things about her? I know that if roles were reversed, she would have already noticed.
Or, Alex could be reading so much into nothing.
"Maybe she has diarrhoea. Let's not jump into conclusions."

"I hope so," he sighs, "but if you get time, please talk to her. She doesn't talk to me about these things because I'm younger than you guys."

"I don't think it's because you are young. I know that Jeanette likes you more than me." The boy looks at me with wide eyes. "It's true. I think it's because she thinks you are too busy with your YouTube channel - and talking about that, how is it going?"

"Since I started reviewing Thompsons Inc products, my subscribers have gone higher," he replies cheerfully, "they have tried the drinks too and they leave good reviews."

"That's nice. Do you want to do YouTube as a full-time career or something?"

"To be honest, that's not what I had in mind when I started." The boy sighs and leans his head on my shoulder. He is used to Jeanette and I treating him like a little boy, holding him like a baby and ruffling his hair like a little brother. "But in the long run, I'm starting to like this. Just last week, my subscribers reached one thousand and YouTube sent me an email to join YouTube Partner Program. I'm going to start earning money from it, can you believe that?"

"That's so cool. Why didn't you tell us? We could have done something to celebrate, y'know?"

"You don't talk to me like you used to. Every time, you have something to do with your mystery man or something," he whines. "I even begged him to take me with you when we went wine tasting but you two disappeared as soon as we entered the company."

"You -"

"I kinda feel lonely when you aren't talking to me. You are the one closest to my age and now that Jean is our superior, it feels weird talking to her. That's why I've been slacking off to the point that I even considered quitting-"

I interrupt him with a bone-crushing hug. Have I been so focused on money so much that I haven't been paying attention to everything and everyone around me? Everything has been rotating about what Zion wants, where he wants me and when he does. I don't even recognize what I've become! This is not how we used to be as a trio!

"You can't quit, do you hear me?" He nods, reaching for some tissue to wipe off his tears. "I'm sorry that I made you feel neglected. I'm sorry that I wasn't there when you needed me. I'm sorry that I'm not the sister I promised you I was gonna be. You can do everything you want to do but you aren't allowed to quit, alright?"

"Don't say that," he sniffles. "You are a good sister to me. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have the big YouTube channel I have. I'm sorry that I made you feel like that."

"Let's not be sappy," I force a smile, "starting this moment, we are going to do what you want to do. Just say the words and I'll be there."

After all, I have called off my contract with Zion. Nothing else takes my time. Now, it will be just like how we used to be.

Alex's phone vibrates and he reaches for it. His face lights up as soon as he reads whatever is on the screen.

"So, what's got you smiling like that?"

He smiles shyly, a light blush covering his cheeks.
Gosh, sometimes I forget that he is nineteen. He behaves like he is sixteen.

"Is that your girl from Valentine's?" I poke his already red cheek


"Cool. Tell me about her," I urge him

"It's nothing big. She just texted to remind me about going live on YouTube tonight," he looks away but still smiles as he types a reply. "Her name is Lindsay. She is seventeen and in her final year of high school. I was really nervous at first because I thought she would reject me because of that Valentine's shit and all but she was so cool about it and-"

"And you've been together for a month."

"Yeah," he nods. "After that night when you guys told me to give her call, I did. When she is free, she helps me film some of the videos and she is a big fan. In fact, she helps me get new drinks to try on and -" he continues rambling. He looks so happy talking about her.

"Okay okay. Spare me the details of your first kiss and blah blah. Do you need help going live tonight?"

"Really? Are you going to help me?"

"Of course I will. After selling the tickets and snacks, I will help you set up."

Then, with the cutest and most pouty face I've ever seen, he turns to me. Yeah, now he wants something else.
"Can you go live with me?"

"W-what? Me?"

"Pretty please? I can introduce you to my audience as my big sister. Please," he pouts even more.

"Fine. But I'm not good at cameras and stuff, so, don't blame me if things go wrong."

"You don't even have to say anything," he laughs and hugs me from behind. "Just sit and watch me shine and brag about you. Plus, I can use it as a chance to brag about your talent in design. Who knows? Some people may be interested."

"You shall say no such thing!"

"You don't control what I say," he wags his tongue and takes off, well aware that I'm going to chase after him.

Even though my mood was down after my fight with Zion, I still have two people to cheer me up. And that's all that matters.

Friends before fries.

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