Twenty Three

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The rest of the week goes by without anything interesting happening. Even though Zion and I (kinda) renew the contract, he doesn't come to the theater like he used to. Part of me knows that he is spending time with his mother. Another selfish part of me wonders if he spends his spare time in Aimee's bed.

Jeanette gave me a super long lecture about getting my feelings involved with Zion again. But it's too late. I'm jealous and I know it.

I want him to like me, to like me more than someone he gives money to run errands for him. I want him to look at me and get excited. I want him to look at me like a woman, not a maid. It's too much to ask because I'm not a pleasant sight to look at. But what can I do when my heart has decided to betray me and beat for him?

Speaking of Jeanette, I couldn't hold in. I told her about her boyfriend. She didn't believe me - not that I expected her to, but it still hurt when she didn't - but she said that she would confront him today.

I badly want to believe that it's a misunderstanding. But a woman can't be expecting Brandon's child and it's a misunderstanding, right? I mean, it didn't happen accidentally.
His long thingy didn't slip and thrust itself into her sticky pool, did it?

"What if it's true?" Alex asks. Both of us have been waiting for Jeanette to come to work but she hasn't shown up. And it's 5pm.

"Alex, it's true," I deadpan. "Jeanette can't believe it because that's how anyone would react if their lover cheats. She is in denial and it's always the first stage before accepting the truth."

"You sound awfully smart right now, it's scary," Alex teases, "but seriously, what will she do?"

"I don't know," I rub my face with both hands, "let's hope that she doesn't get violent. We have to be there for her even if Brandon decides to leave. She is our friend y'know?"

Eventually, Jeanette comes in late at 7pm. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that she found out about everything. Her eyes are swollen from crying, some make-up stains cover both of her cheeks and she looks really weak.

None of us say a word to her. If it were me, I wouldn't want anyone to show me pity.

I have a feeling that she doesn't want to see me too. If it wasn't for me, she would be as cheerful as ever.

Maybe I should have kept quiet. I did more harm than good.

After the theater closes, I am trying to fix something on the electric circuit breaker when Jeanette hugs me from behind. I abandon all my work and turn to her.

"He left us," she cries out, "he left us for Ariana."

That bastard! Cheating is one thing, abandoning your child is worse! I can't even begin to understand what kind of pain Jeanette must be feeling.

"His mama doesn't like me. I was fine with that. I could work my ass off and make her like me with time. But he didn't wait, he didn't want to be on his mama's bad side."

"He is moving in with her next week."

That explains why they were looking for paint. Together.

"She is expecting to give birth in April. He wants to be there for her, he can't wait to be a dad. That's what he said."

"This child is his too," I can't help but wonder out loud, "he should take care of it."

Jeanette lets out loud heartbreaking sobs. I can't even do anything to make her feel better. And there is a certain man out there enjoying life without caring about the consequences of his actions. She cries for a really long time that I feel like if she continues, she will be dehydrated at this rate.

"Jean," I slowly and gently shake her shoulder, "do you want me to call someone? Your brother, sister?"

"Please don't!" her voice raises. "Anyone but them. They warned me and I didn't listen. I should have listened."

"But you didn't know-"

"I don't want to burden them with my child. I don't want my child to be a burden to anyone. I'll raise her. Or him, I don't care."

Alex volunteers to close the theater on his own while I take Jeanette back to her apartment. Half way, she changes her mind and begs me to take her to mine.
It's not comfortable, especially now I know that she is pregnant but I can't say no to her.

The last thing she needs are memories from her apartment. I'm not even sure that it's in order. She must have broken some vases and threw out every framed photo she has of Brandon.

"This sucks," she puts her head on the table in my apartment, "I really want to drink so hard. I want bottles and bottles of something strong. I wanna forget that asshole."

"You can't drink. You are-"

"You think I don't know that?" she snaps. "I damn wish that I wasn't!"


"I'm sorry, okay? I'm just frustrated with everything. How am I gonna pay rent, be pregnant and take care of the bills on my own?"

"Alex and I can help," I offer

"No -"

"You have no say in this," I narrow my eyes at her. "So, what if you never ask for help, does it matter? We are offering and you won't turn us down because at the end of the day, you won't get a reward for handling things on your own. You are pregnant and you need as much rest as you can. Alex and I will take care of you. If you dare say one more word, I swear on my account balance that I will not hesitate to throw you out of my house."

Her eyes widen.

"Shit, I didn't mean that."

"It's fine. I just don't want to strain you. I also want to do something."

"And I have something for you too. I promise."

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