chapter 18

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Kyla's pov
Nat opened the door and sighed.
- what is it?
- there is one bed.
- ok... Do you want me to sleep in another place?
- no.
She turned to me and caressed my cheek. I smiled softly and i whispered
- we are adults, we can sleep in the same bed. It is quite big, we could stay separated without any problems.
Her smile dropped
- do you want to stay separated?
In her eyes i could see hurt and disappointment. I put a stand of hair behind her ear and i said
- no. I want to be with you. I just didn't know if you wanted to be with me.
- of course i do.
She was smiling. God, i love her smile. We walked to the bed and i let myself fall into it. Nat did the same and we laughed.
- nat? I don't have other clothes... I didn't think i would need them.
- you can sleep like that if you want. I have no problems with it. And i also have no others clothes too. I just have this t-shirt and this pair of sweatpants. Do you want to sleep now?
- yeah. Do you?
- it would be great.
We closed the curtains and we got under the covers. She was lying next to me, she has taken off her sweatpants and she only had the shirt. I wanted to take off my sport bra, but it was difficult with just one arm.
- kyla do you want help with that?
- yes, please.
She smiled and took my shirt off. Then she moved to the bra. She looked at me for consent and when i nodded she took it off. I didn't feel embarassed to be almost naked in front of her, she was looking at me with adoration and she stared kissing my scars. Every single one. When she was done i was smiling like crazy. I put my shirt on again and i lyed down again and she did the same, scooting closer to me.
- do you want to cuddle, natty?
- i am the black widow. I don't cuddle.
- ok. But if we do cuddle, i promise that no one is going to know.
- maybe i do want to cuddle. Just for a bit.
I stayed on my back and she moved so she was lying next to me on her side and was half on top of me. I hugged her and i kept her close.
- this is nice.
- yes, it is.
I gently stroked her back and she sighed happily.
- kyla, can we talk about that place?
- ok. What do you want to know?
I knew that she was going to ask questions, and she had every right to do so.
- first, you said that you have a genetic mutation...
- yeah. My dna has a "problem". That's why i have my powers.
She stayed silent for a moment and then spoke again
- if you weren't taken from your family, what happened?
I didn't respond at first, and she held me a bit tighter.
- you don't have to tell me of you don't want to.
- i want to. I just need to find the words...
- take as much time as you need.

Italy, 1943
I was waken up by my mother shaking me.
- muoviti. Vieni giú, delle persone vogliono parlare con te. (Hurry up. Come down, there are people who want to talk with you)
I got up and i went down the stairs. There were four mens in suits talking with my uncle. My dad had to go fighting in the war, my uncle didn't have a hand, so he didn't have to. When the men saw me one of them walked to me
- ciao. Io sono il dottor Herming. La tua mamma dice che tu possiedi un dono particolare... Ce lo mostri? (Hi. I am doctor Herming. Your mom says that you have a special gift. Will you show us?)
The men talked with a prominent german accent.
I shaked my head and my mother slapped me in the back of my head. Then i realized that i had to show them, or the punishment would have been worse. I lit a little fire in my hand and the men smiled widely.
- perfetto. Noi siamo di un'organizzazione che lavora con le persone come te. Non vogliamo farti del male, vogliamo solo scoprire perché sei capace di, in questo caso, di creare il fuoco. (Perfect. We are from an organization who works with people like you. We don't want to hurt you, we just want to know why you are capable of, in this case, creating fire.)
My uncle came up to me and said
- questi signori vogliono portarti in austria per un po'. Io e la mamma abbiamo deciso che andrai con loro. Vai a fare i bagagli e non protestare. (These people want to take you to russia for a while. Me and your mom have already decided that you are going with them. Go pack your things and don't complain)
I run up the stairs and started packing. Tears were treatening to spill, but i didn't let them. Then i heard something coming from downstairs.
- queste sono le 600.000 lire per la ragazza. (These are the 600.000 lire for the girl) (=about 310€)
I had been sold. My mother sold me.

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