chapter 7

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Kyla pov
I exited the interogation room and i bumped into someone. He was a tall blonde man. Then he turned around and he saw me. In that moment i reconized him. Captain America. He seemed to have reconized me too. He definitely knows who i am.
- you are... The Shadow?... The one who almost blew us up in that base... In ww2... The weird girl that had fire powers...
- i... am... I think.
- why are you here? Why are you so young? And why are you so tall? I remember you much shorter!
He was looking at me with wide open eyes.
- i was literally 14. Hydra froze me in the ice. I am here because they don't think that i am currently a threat.
- you are a threat.
- no. I don't want to cause any harm to anyone.
- you are lying!
In that moment i understood that i couldn't change his opinion. I simply started waking away, but i was stopped by an hand on my shoulder. Without wanting to i flinched slightly at the contact and i turned around by reflex. Capitan america was stopping me.
- let me go.
- no.
- just let me go, come on!
- no. You can't just go around like that.
- yes i can. Now let me go.
He just tightened his grip on my shoulder.

Natasha pov
Me and maria exited the room and i saw steve shouting at kyla while she was trying to free herself from his grip.
Something snapped inside of me, it felt like it was in the red room, when they beated her because she did something. I froze for a moment and i saw maria going to them.
- what is happening?
She sounded concerned, and i was happy that she told fury that she wasn't going to be friends with kyla just to get information out of her, but sadly i was asked to not go close to her and i have to respect that.
- what is happening is that he is not letting me go.
- she is a threat god damn. Why don't you see it?
- just let her go steve. She didn't do anything to you.
Maria gave him the stare she used to give the new recuits when they failed at something easy while she was training them. They held eye contact for a few seconds and kyla sighed in boredom.
Steve relased her from his grip pushing her a little. Kyla just walked away, without a word.
- why is she here?
I got pulled away from my troughts and i realized i was looking at her while she was walking.
- we found her in the woods hiding and spying on a russian association. She is turning out to be useful.
- how could she be useful? She is literally an assassin. That's all she can do. That's all she is.
- no, rogers. She is more than that.
Steve's eyes snapped on me.
- how can you know it? She is dangerous.
- no, she is not dangerous if you don't make her feel trapped or betrayed. I know her, she wouldn't hurt any of us.
- she is evil! She was with hydra! She was with the ones that tortured bucky!
- don't you think that she was just a victim? That maybe she was tortured too?
- it doesn't change who she is.
I started waking away but i stopped, turned around and said
- then why did you give bucky a chance?

Maria pov
Nat walked away and Steve too, in the opposite direction. I knew i had to make some research on her time with hydra. She could have helped us trying to delete it.
I went in my office and i searched on the internet the name that i had heard steve saying. "The Shadow". They talked about a person that wasn't identificated, no one had seen the person for more than a couple of seconds. The name came from the fact that she worked in the shadows and didn't leave traces of her passage, burning down every crime scene. She had killed scientists, politicians and civilians. There were a lot of sightings, from 1940 to 1945. The last was in a small german village. Then in 2003 she was seen again. People trought that it was another person, cause they were taller and slightly different. After 2011 there were no more sightings.
There was an italian girl that said that she has seen her face and told that she was a girl with red hair that looked 14 years old at least. No one belived her.
If she was so wanted, then she should have a s.h.i.e.l.d. file. I searched and i found it. It had all the file of every murder or crimin in general that was connected to her. It was very vague, name, age and almost all the information were unknown, also her status, if dead or alive. The only thing that was in there was the associations they belived she worked with. It was almost fun then, at the end of the page i saw a line "for some people the Shadow  is a ghost, if this person is really the same as the one in the ww2, given their presumed ability to control fire and walk through it they could be". I started laughing because i had never seen something funnier than this line in a shield file.

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