chapter 15

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Kyla's pov
Weeks flew by and i was starting to earn fury's trust. He let me train with the other avengers and he talked to me about missions, if i was okay with going. I agreed, still a bit taken back that he was asking, i could say no if i wanted to. At both Christmas and new year Tony hosted a party, but i didn't go because there were a lot of people. It was almost February now.
Fury called me to his office, when i arrived there were already maria, nat and clint.
- take a sit
I did as he told me
- so, you are still in for missions right?
- yes.
- you will go with hill, romanoff and barton. It is a simple mission, retrieve data, in and out. There shouldn't be any complication. You and romanoff will go in, retrieve, and out. Hill will be on the comms and barton is here just in case you need help. I wouldn't sent four people on this mission normally, but we are not sure if the base is abandoned or not. It looks like it wasn't used since the forties.
- where are we going?
- Hallein, Austria. Just outside the city.
I froze. Shit. Not there. Hydra used to torture their esperiments in the basement.
- sir, i don't know if i am the right person for this.
All the people in the room looked at me. I could sense the tension.
- care to explain why?
- i knew that place. I don't know if it is ok for me to go back there.
He told the others to go out and they did, nat sent me a worried look while doing so. When we were alone he sat down next to me.
- you were in that place during the war?
- yes. It was the first place they bought me to, where they trained me.
- i can feel that there is something else. Do you want to talk about it?
- if it was abandoned after the war, there could be some things. My things. If i go, i need to check if they still have the things they took from me. There could be my file, where there are all the things they found out about my powers and my body.
He sighed deeply with his gaze on the floor and then his eyes shoot up to mine.
- i'll tell you what files we are trying to take from there. You can't tell anyone, because hill and barton don't know what we are taking.
- and natasha?
- she knows. She also told me that it was where the red room found you in the ice.
I nodded.
- we are trying to get all the files on you. They could be very useful for us and also for the remaining part of hydra. You feel like going?
I trought about it a bit. I could get back the photo ans the knife if they were still there.
- yes, i will go.
- perfect. Go call natasha.
I got up and opened the door. Nat was still there, as if she knew she would have to go in again. When she saw me she smiled and walked to me.
- are you ok?
I nodded
- Fury wants you back there. He told me what we are searching.
- oh. Ok.
We went in again.
- are there rooms that you don't want to go in?
- yes. I won't be going in half of the basement. Do you want me to draw a map of how the place was?
- you can do it?
He asked in a surprised tone.
- yes.
- ok. You will leave tomorrow afternoon. You have until then to draw one. Natasha, you will help her making a strategy on how you will move inside. When you are done tell Maria.
We went out of his office together and i was anout to talk when she hugged me. She was holding me tight, like she was scared to lose me. I wrapped my arms around her and one of my hands went into her hair, remembering that she told me that she found it relaxing. We pulled away when Stark made ohh noises and when he was close enough he wispered
- no fucking in common spaces.
I widened my eyes and i felt my face becoming warm. I was sure that i was redder than nat's hair. When i looked up again nat was roughly glaring at him and he ran away. She then focused again on me and with a seductive tone she said
- yours or mine?
- w-what?
- i am just joking, don't worry. Want to go to my room to talk about the plan?
- sure
We walked close and our hand kept brushing against the other's. I think she was doing it on propouse. We arrived to her room and i sat on the chair facing the table.
- do you have paper and a pencil?
- yeah.
She gave them to me and then added
- i'll just change into something more comfy.
She was wearing jeans and a blouse, the first couple of bottons undone. I trought that she was going into the bathroom to change, but then i saw her unbottoning her blouse in the corner of my eye. I felt myself blushing once again, warmt spreading into my body. I felt a hand on my shoulder tracing random patters while i was working.
- it is cute that you are nervous, but it is nothing you haven't seen before.
I turned in my chair and she still had her jeans on but there was just a bra on her chest. I tried not to let it show, but my mind played memories of the few nights we spent together. A lot of time had passed since then.

Russia, 2002
- kyla, are you awake?
- yeah, what's up?
- 'm cold...
In the dark i tried to get closer to her and when i finally reached her she whispered
- can we cuddle for a bit?
- of course.
I got under her blanket and she immediatly wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer. Her face was pressed in my neck and my chin was resting over her head, our legs tangled together. I felt her place small kisses on my neck and then she wispered something, so softly that i almost missed it.
- i know another thing that would warm us up...
My breath iched in my troath but then i moved my hands to the sides of her head and she looked up at me. I felt her breath on my face and she asked
- can i kiss you?
- yes.
She moved closer and she kissed my nose.
- that's my nose, sweetheart.
She giggled and traced her fingers on my lips. Then she leaned in, closing the distance between us. Her lips were soft, they moved with mine like they were made for this, like they belonged. Eventually the oxigen ran out and we had to break out kiss. I started leaving kisses along her jaw, down to her neck, making sure to not leave marks. She moaned softly and in that moment i realized that i wanted to hear those sounds forever.

Present time
She smirked and then she walked to the closet to continue changing. She unbottoned her pants and i turned around respectfully.
It was 5 pm when we started and five hours later the map was done, the plan was set and natasha had cooked dinner. She made some noodles and took them back to her room with a bottle of vodka. So here we are, the bottle is empty and we are both a bit tipsy.
- we need to tell maria our plan...
Natasha started laughing, but she tripped and fell on the bed. She was laughing even louder now. She took her phone and called maria
- ria? Can you come to my room?
- nat, are you drunk?
- no. We need to talk about the mission.
Maria opened the door and smiled at me, then saw the empty bottle and gasped
- you are drinking without me? How rude.
She sat on the bed and saw that nat had fallen asleep. Tipical. Now i have to explain all by myself.
- so, we had to make a few changes in the plan...
- wow. You actually sound sober.
- i'm just tipsy. She drank way more than me.
After i explained the plan we were about to head out of the room when nat said
- stay
- who?
- you. Kyla. Please.
She really was drunk. Maria sent me a knowing smirk and went out.
- can you sleep here? I want cuddles.
- ok. Let me go to my room to grab my pj and...
- no. Stay here.
She moved so now she was lying in the middle of the bed like a starfish, she huffed cutely and looked at me with pleading eyes.
- ok...
- yay! Come on, come here!
- give me a moment.
I swiched off the lights and i walked to the bed. The mattress was actually a lot harder then the one i used to have, still a bit softer then mine. The second i lied down she cuddled up to me, and for cuddled i mean that she was on top of me, her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her waist and i rested my hands on her back, lightly caressing her.
- promise me that when i'll wake up you will be here, please.
- ok... I promise. Then i will make you breakfast because you can't cook for shit.
- i made you noodles today.
She sounded offended.
- they were the premade ones, you just had to add water and warm them up. Well, you could have messed it up too, but you didn't, so, no, you don't suck.
I didn't want her to feel bad while drunk, tomorrow morning she will remember and maybe laugh a bit, cause she really sucks at cooking. I felt her breathing even out and she drifted off to sleep, i followed soon after.

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