chapter 5

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Hill turned to look at the door and i was trying to think of something else, instead of the elevator and how we could die in every second. I wanted to stop the elevator and just run out of there. I looked up to the number of the floor we were at and i saw a 15. So we just went down for 5 floors. I screamed inside, but i let out a shaky breath without realizing it before it was too late. Hill turned to look at me with a concerned face.
- you ok?
She asked again. I nodded but she wasn't convinced, so she walked beside me but she was looking at the door, so she would keep an eye on me without being creepy. I looked at floors number again. 10. God damn. I'm gonna die in here.
- it seems that you don't really like elevators, right?
I shook my head.
I looked at the floors again. 7.
I took a deep breath and i asked her
- what floor are we going to?
- -1
- Oh fantastic.
I think i accidentally said that out loud. But then something that i didn't trought would happen, happened. Hill let out a chuckle. I looked at ger surprised and she told me
- what? Do i have something on my face?
- i- uhm... No. No.
- at dinner you will meet the team. I just want to warn you, they are a bunch of idiots. Are you really sure you are ok?
I nodded
Don't show weakness.
Don't open up, you'll get yourself killed.
You can't trust anybody but yourself.
These other girls, are not your friends, you can't trust them, they are murders. You are one too.
I heard a ding and i realized that we had arrived. I was sat on the floor with my knees up to my chest, Hill was kneeled in front of me, she looked scared, but she was trying to read me. Suddently i got up and went out of the elevator. There was an huge garage with all types of cars and bikes, almost all of them looked very expensive.
I saw hill going towards a black jeep. I went there and i sat on the passenger seat.
- do you want to talk about what happened earlier?
- no, i'd prefer not to.
- ok. Where are we going?
- out of town. I'll give you the directions.
After about half an hour later we were at my house. Hill wasn't fully convinced, she gave me an uncertain look.
- don't worry, hill. I'm not gonna murder you and hide you in here. I just need to get my things.
She shook her head and got out of the car. I followed.
We got into the house and hill was looking aroud, a bit too much curiosity i would say, but it's not the moment to judge someone.
- i don't really have much, i think it'll go in two, maybe three boxes with the books.
Hill was staring at a picture on my table.
- this is you, right?
- yeah.
- who are the girls?
I looked down at the floor.
10 december 1942, italy
I was lying in my bed after a long day in the fields, i was 13, but i was always working. I had my eyes closed, i heard the door open and close, footsteps that i knew, and then i felt someone else lying on the bed. I opened my eyes only to see Agata already looking at me with a warm smile.
- ehi...
She pecked my nose and i giggled. Then she wispered
- ehi a te. Tua madre mi ha detto di dirti che domani andiamo in paese a fare delle foto. (Ehi to you. Your mother told me to tell you that tomorrow we are going to the village to take photos)
- wow, non credevo che avremmo mai fatto delle foto, poi con questa guerra, costano ancora di più. (Wow. I didn't think that we would ever took pictures, then with this war going on, they are even more expensive)
- infatti. Credo che abbiano paura che qualcuno non sopravviva. (That's it. I think that they are afraid that one of us could die)
- beh, noi sopravviveremo. Te lo prometto. (Well, we will live. I promise)
She caressed my cheek with her thumb and i leaned in for a kiss. It didn't lest long, beacuse if they saw us there would have been problems. The next morning we went to take the pictures.
The only one that i managed to take was the one where me, Agata, my sister and her daughter were all smiling and hugging.
I took a deep breath and i answered hill's question.
- family. But it's been a lot of time.
- what years was it?
- 1942. Shit- no... I mean... I-
Ok, i am an idiot. Hill had her hand on her gun.
- hill. Take your hand off the gun, now. As i said, i don't want to make any harm, i just want you to let me free so i can continue what i was doing.
Hill moved her hand a little.
- tell me. Why were you like... I don't know, 10? In 1942?
I pointed at the sofa and we sat on it.
- i was born in 1929. I am still like this because hydra froze me in 1945 to make sure that i wasn't going to be found by the americans. Red room found me, i escaped, and here we are.
Hill was trying to be cold and with a blank stare, but it wasn't working so well.
- so... You are 86?
- kind of.
- wow. What were you doing before we "interrupted"?
- i'm trying to find someone
- who?
- aren't this enough question answered?
Hill put her hands up in defeat.
- now, can i do what we are actually here for?
- uhm... yeah ok.

After half an hour we put all my things in three boxes. There were only a few things that were still out of place. First, my gun, and then, my bike. I mean... Half a bike. It still didn't have the mechanical parts or the motor working, but i was working on them. It was a DKW SB 500.

(This one)I had one of those with hydra back in 1944, so when i saw that they had one (that was also a little cheap, but it had all the mechanical parts, they weren't working but they were there), i couldn't resist

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(This one)
I had one of those with hydra back in 1944, so when i saw that they had one (that was also a little cheap, but it had all the mechanical parts, they weren't working but they were there), i couldn't resist.
- Hill?
- yeah?
- i still have a couple of things...
- what?
- uhm this.
I took away one of the axes of the floor and i pulled out a gun. I gave it to hill and she was shocked.
- you have a Walther p.38?
- yeah.
- when was it made?
- 1943.
- it is original? It wasn't restored or... And you still have the bullets?
- kind of.
- wow...

I have to say that Hill fangirling over a gun was pretty fun to watch

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I have to say that Hill fangirling over a gun was pretty fun to watch. But we had to come back at the tower or the others will think that i have really killed Hill and hide her in the woods. 
- and i have another thing... I... This one is pretty complicated. Here.
I took off the cloth and she looked surprised.
- well, i couldn't do almost anything, so this was an hobby. Can i bring it with me?
- sure.

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