chapter 12

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Kyla's pov
The day after Maria took me to the city to buy Natasha's present.
- so. Where do you want to go?
- i was thinking a jewelry store.
- and why?
- i need to buy a present.
- uhu, i see... For who? For natasha?
I didn't respond or look at her, i just looked down and blushed. It had been a long time since the last time i blushed.
- aww, you are blushing, this is so cutee. It is for nat, right?
- yeah...
She had a smug smile on her lips and then she parked the car next to a store. I looked at it and all the things seemed pretty expensive.
- maria...
- yeah?
She was looking at me with a small smile, but it dropped when she saw my expression.
- i can't go there.
- why not?
- first, if you eyebrow was any higher it would reach your hair.
She laughed and i smiled a bit.
- second, it is too expensive. I don't have the money.
- don't worry, stark pays for a lot of thing, he can pay for it too.
- the thing is that i don't want him to pay for it. If you understand.
- ohh you want it to come from you...
She thought about it and then started the car.
- i know another place. Put your seatbelt on.
- ok, mom.
She was smirking and holding her laugh. Then my mind clicked.
- stop your dirty mind you idiot.
She started laughing louder and i playfully rolled my eyes. When she parked again she had stopped laughing, but her cheeks were still red. I smirked. I leaned to her ear and i wispered
- well, i didn't even call you mommy and you already get excited?
She became redder than she already was, she cleared her troath and got out of the door.
This store was little, but it still seemed to have good things. I walked to maria's side and we went in.
- so what were you thinking about? A bracialet? Or a necklace?
- necklace. At first i wanted to buy a ring but it felt a bit strange.
- i understand.
An old lady came up to us.
- good morning ladies. What can i get for you?
- i wanted to buy a nacklace.
- ohh. Of what material?
- maybe a silver one.
- is it a gift?
- yeah.
- for a girl or a boy?
- for a girl.
She nodded and went behind the counter. She started showing us some of them.

Half an hour later we were in the car again.
- do you want to go back to the tower or something else?
I looked at her speechless.
- you are sure that you can take me somewhere and not end up in trouble?
- yeah. I mean... No. But i don't think that fury will be too mad if he doesn't find out.
- ok. Where do you want to take me?
- the cinema. There is "Penguins of Madagascar". Have you already seen it?
- no. What kind of movie is it?
She was red again.
- it is a childrens movie.
- oh ok. I guess it works.
- thanks. Nat didn't want to go with me.
We laughed. I was happy to finally have someone with who i could be myself, without hiding, without masking, without having to be scared.

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