chapter 2

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I slowly opened my eyes, my body was still numb and my vision was blurry. After a couple of minutes I could move my body and see more clearly. I was handcuffed and tied up to a chair in a room with white walls, a table, and a mirror. I was in an interrogation room. I glared slightly annoyed at the mirror, knowing that there would be agents on the other side watching my every move.
I waited but no one was coming into the room, after i don't know how long the women from before had entered the room. She sat in the chair on the other side of the table and looked at me.
- First, who are you? There are no documents of people with your face, we searched
I shighed and she repeated the question.
- Who are you?
- Kyla.
- What is your last name?
- I don't remember it.
- How old are you?
- It depends
She looked confused.
- What do you mean?
I decided to lie.
- Ok, i'm 28.
She asked me a couple of basic questions, i reply in a vague way or i lie.
- Now the serious questions. Why did you ran?
I smirked
- Maybe because i didn't want to finish like this, agent Hill
She looked at me shocked.
- How do you know my name?
- There is a target on your uniform, agent
- Why are you in contact with that spie? What kind of information does she give you?
- What do you know about this?
- Shouldn't i be the one asking the questions? But we just know that she gave you files of the red room. Why do you need them?
I stayed in silence, lowering my head.

One hour later
Natasha pov
Hill stormed out of the room, looking clearly frustated.
- She doesn't talk! God, I tried everything
- She is trained for this, Hill.
She gestured for me to the door.
- Do you want to try?
- Not now. Maybe in a few hours, it's late, we should rest, and also she should rest.
- We will put her in a cell, like Fury said
My head snapped up and i looked right into maria's eyes.
- A cell? Why a cell? Haven't she given enough?
- Fury's orders, I can't do anything.
I got up and i started walking to the director's office. They couldn't put her in a cell, not while i am alive.

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