chapter 14

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Kyla pov
I knocked on maria's door and i heard a faint
- who is it?
- kyla.
She opened the door. She was just in shorts and a sport bra. Holy shit.
- maria, i need help.
- why?
- i don't know what to wear.
She started laughing
- don't laugh! I am serious! I have never been to a party where i was invited!
She made a confused face and let me in. We sat on the bed and she asked
- you have never been to a party? Even when you were a teenager?
- i spent my teens between the red room and hydra, there weren't a lot of parties.
- oh, right. Sorry
- don't worry.
She got up and started pacing the room.
- hill, if you don't stop you will burn a hole in the floor.
She groaned and fell on the bed. Now i was the one confused.
- i don't even know how to dress myself...
- i can go away if you want me to.
She sat up and put her hands on my shoulders.
- i am sorry, i didn't mean it like that.
I gave her a reassuring smile, and she smiled back.
- do you want to look hot for Natasha?
I looked at her with wide eyes, she just shrugged and got up again.
- dress or suit?
- suit obviously. I already have a shirt and the pants, i don't have a jacket.
She nodded.
- can you bring them here? I want to see how they look on you.
I walked out of the room and into mine. On this floor there were just my bedroom, maria's and natasha's. I can't see how three lesbians on a floor together is a good idea but ok.
After almost one hour of maria trying to make me look presentable i was ready. I just needed to do my hair, but i could do it later. Maria was changing and when she walked out of the bathroom i was speechless. She had a gray suit and a green top, her jewelry matched perfectly with the suit. She was beautiful.
- wow... You look good maria.
- thank you. Just... Undo one more botton of your shirt, it'll drive her crazy.

At the party
I was sat at the bar sipping a drink. A woman with blonde hair came up to me and sat beside me.
- hi.
- hi. You are...?
- pepper potts.
- oh, yeah, i know you. I am kyla.
She smiled and we chatted for a bit. She was nice. The people here seemed to have fun, some drinking, some dancing, some both. I spotted maria talking to stark and rhodey, then i saw natasha. She was sat on a small sofa talking with bruce. She had a black jumpsuit with a low neckline that hugged her curves perfectly, then i noticed that she had the necklace that i had given her on with another one that she had always on. Bruce's hand was on the back of the sofa, behind natasha's shoulders. After a few moments, his other hand went on her knee. A warm feeling came to me the more i watched them, i didn't even realize that maria had came close to me and had a worried look on her face.
- kyla!
She stepped in front of me and the moment passed.
- god, your irises were red. Are you ok?
- it's hot in here, i need some air.
- where are you going?
I went to the balcony and i sat down on a chair. It was empty, no one was crazy enough to go outside at night in december. At least i trought so. I felt a hand on my shoulder and i jumped turning around. It was just maria.
- you are stubborn.
- are you ok, kyla?
I had almost lost control of my powers for something so... I don't even know how to define it. We are not together or going dates...

Maria pov
Kyla went on the balcony and sat on a chair. It was freezing but i don't think she noticed it. It didn't seem like she had noticed me either. I was worried. I put a hand on her shoulder and she jumped, turning around. Her body visibly relaxed when she saw that i was the one who was there, but i swear that i saw a glimpse of red in her irises.
- you are stubborn.
- are you ok?
She just turned around and stared into space without answering. Now i was even more worried. I could quite understand what was going on in her head, i had always been pretty good at reading people, but she was different. I was also freezing. We were dressed almost the same way, because we both had a suit, but her jacket was still inside, so she was in just a shirt in december at night and still didn't show signs that she was cold. I sat down beside her and she looked at me in the eyes for the first time from when we came outside.
- kyla, what happened?
- it's stupid.
- if it is bothering you it is not stupid.
- i said it is stupid.
She had raised her voice a little and without knowing i flinched a little. She then gasped and started apoloizing.
- i am so sorry, maria, i didn't mean to yell... You have been so nice to me, and this is how i repay you...
Her tone of voice had changed, it was softer, at first sweet and then her voice cracked like she was about to cry. But no tears were in her eyes.
- you don't need to be sorry.
She just smiled and then her smile dropped just as fast as it appeared
- maria, you are freezing! I am sorry, do you want to go back in?
- it is actually quite nice in here. I am a bit cold tho.
- can i try something?
- ok.
She took her hands in mine and closed her eyes. After a moment i felt heat come from where i was holding her hands. A few moments later i wasn't cold anymore.
- i got a bit overwemed in there. Then i saw natasha and bruce and something snapped inside of me. I was about to loose control of my powers.
- so you were jealous?
- what?! No.
- sure.
- ok, maybe i was.
I smiled at her and i let my head fall on her shoulder. She tensed like every time i touched her, so i was about to apologize and get up when i felt her arm on my shoulders. We stayed like that for a while, it was a nice feeling, knowing that i had a friend. I couldn't belive that just a few weeks ago she was in our cell.
- maria?
She said my name with a sweet tone and a strong italian accent, like my aunt used to say it.
- yeah?
- if i wanted out, could i just go away and never having to deal with shield and superhero business? Could i just live a normal life?
- i think so. Do you want out now?
- no. I have to find someone.
- can i know who this someone is?
She exaled and started tracing random patters on my shoulder with her finger.
- ok. She was my roomate in the red room. We trained a lot together after natasha escaped, we went on missions, we were friends. I promised her that i would get her out of there. That's what i was doing when shield found me.
All the pieces were falling into place. That's why she was risking so much, for her friend. In that moment i understood that she was a good person, no matter what she had done. I was sure. I decided that if she wanted out, i would have helped her, even if it meant disobeing fury's orders.
- what is her name?
- yelena.

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