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"So what's gonna happen with you and Roman tonight?" Alex asked me as she tied the laces on her shoes.

We were getting ready to go to Roman's party and truth be told, I was excited.

I shrugged.

"Probably nothing. We're just two friends catching up." I told the girls about my history with Roman to try to convince them that he didn't like me like that.

That just fueled their idea more.

Something about him liking me our whole childhood?

What ever.

I was tired of people making assumptions about that stuff.

"I have no idea today was his birthday too until I saw his bitmoji on snap. Was I supposed to get him something?" Alahna asked from her spot on my bed.

Daisy and I looked at each other for a moment.

We both knew how much Roman hated receiving birthday gifts.

He was weird like that.

Daisy shook her head.

"Nope. g he wanted gifts, he would've clarified it was a birthday party."

I nodded in agreement.

"This year he might want the gift of your presence," Alahna joked with a sly smile, making everyone in the room laugh.

I shook my head and laughed with them.

"You guys are the most dramatic people ever."

I walked over to my bed and flopped next to Alahna with my head in her lap.

"Not our fault you have the most interesting love life ever!" Daisy exclaimed as she spun around in my spinny chair.

"Exactly! You've been in so many love triangles it's crazy," Alahna added as she straightened my hair across her legs.

I looked at Alex when she said this and I saw her face change slightly.

I started to feel bad.

"I'd list them all but I lost rack." Alahna jokingly frowned and I threw a pillow at her.


I looked at Alex again and this time she caught my eye.

She snapped out of whatever trance she was in and a smile reappeared on her face.

I could tell it was fake.

"Okay but let's talk about Daisy and Matt? What about them?" Alex suddenly said.

No one else realized that she was trying to change the subject but me.

Daisy blushed and hid her face in her hands.


"Oh come on Day! We all see the way you guys act like you're the only two people in a room at any given moment!" Alahna exclaimed form her spot on the bed.

I giggled and pointed at Daisy.

"That's so true. We all saw the way you silently comforted him during morning wake-up a couple of days ago when his anxiety was going up. You two have gotten pretty close since lacrosse opening night."

It was true. Matt and Daisy both have social anxiety so I was almost certain that was something they bonded over.

Matt related to Daisy in a way that I couldn't and I could tell that was what drew them together.

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