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"He's so fun to hang out with. I mean we've only hung out once but I think he enjoyed it as much as I did. I think-" 

Alex stopped talking and waved a hand across my face.

"Are you okay?"

Alex and I were stretching together in the fitness room.

She was telling me about how great Chris was.

I was trying to listen, I was.

It was just hard to focus when I knew my love life was falling apart.

"yeah sorry, I'm okay"

I shook my head hoping that the thoughts of Ryan would leave my mind.

"Tell me more about you and Mr. Sturniolo getting along."

Alex blushed and shook her head as she brought up into a butterfly position.

I copied her action and Alex gave me a look.

"We can talk about it later. It seems like something is on your mind. Are you gonna make me pry or...?"

I laughed and shook my head.

"It's nothing new. Just problems with Ryan."

Alex rolled her eyes and frowned.

"What did he do now?" Alex asked as she gave me a stern look.

"He's just being secretive. I can tell he's hiding something but every time I ask he says 'I don't know that I'm talking about and that I'm crazy' ."

Alex frowned and stopped stretching.

She scooted closer to me and sighed.

"Lil.. he's kind of gaslighting you," Alex told me in a sad voice.

She placed her right hand on my knee.

"You aren't crazy for asking him questions. You're his girlfriend."

I furrowed my brows and shut my eyes for a moment. 


Ryan knew how I felt about that.

He wouldn't... Would he?

"I don't know Al... Maybe I'm just imagining things."

I opened my eyes up again and looked at Alex.

She had a disappointed look on her face.

I knew she wasn't disappointed in him, it was just my behavior.

Alex had a way of saying everything she needed to say without saying a word.

Alex sighed again and brought her lips into a straight line.

"That's him talking. You aren't imagining anything. He should be addressing your worries, not making you feel bad for it. You deserve better."

I opened my mouth to respond but the bell rang.

Saved by the bell because I had no idea what I was going to say.

Alex quickly jumped up and gathered her things.

"I have Chem on the complete opposite side of school. Talk later at practice tonight?"

I nodded and Alex rushed out of the room.

I sighed and started to pack up my things as well.

Why did everyone always have something bad to say about Ryan?

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