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Lilliana asked me to be her partner. I repeat. She asked me.

She could've had her pick at anyone in the class about she chose me.

When we talked yesterday, It was butterflies galore. Everything she did made my heart flutter, but it also reminded me of what will never be.

You know that feeling of wanting something you can't have? You keep going back and only getting half, even though you want the whole thing. 

It's like a drug and you get addicted so quickly. You try to stop, but you can't. The ache pulls you towards it again. The thrill just makes you feel so good.

That's how I felt.

We hadn't been talking for long, but it has always been that way. Ever since I saw her for the first time in Kindergarten. 

I had fallen while running across the playground because my shoes were untied. At the time, I didn't know how.

I scraped my knee really bad and I was bawling my eyes out.

Everyone watched, But not Lilliana Larsworth.

She walked over to me and walked with me all the way to the nurse's office.

She talked to me about the most random things to take my mind off the pain and she held my hand while the nurse cleaned my cut.

When we got back outside, she tied my hoes for me and taught me how. She had a special way of tying her shoes, and ever since that day, I always tied my shoes like that.

Ever since that day, I've liked her. :oved her maybe. She was so caring.

How'd she know what to do? We were 6?

That was just Lilliana.

She was a special kind of girl.

Now that were older and weren't kids anymore, It was safe to say she was my kind of woman.

I smiled to myself as I recalled the memory before my phone buzzed.

It was a text from Lilliana.

I hadn't texted her since he gave me her number.

I didn't know what to say.

˚ · • . ° .˚ · • . ° .˚ · • . ° .


Chris [ Christopher Sturniolo😎]

Lilliana [ Lilliana Larsworth🤭]

Lilliana Larsworth🤭

I gave you my number and you didn't text

Christopher Sturniolo😎

I didn't know what you say

Lilliana Larsworth🤭

'Hi', might've worked

Christopher Sturniolo😎

I guess so but I thought you only gave it to me for the

Lilliana Larsworth🤭

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