Chapter 14- Advise Quinlin/Everglen

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The gathering was ushered.  Elwin, Alden, Della and dwarf from the pit of despair were all gathered in Alden's jewel encrusted house. It was a meeting for friends.

"Quinlin should be arriving soon," Alden said.

The host looked over his crystal beaker to the entrance to their great dinning hall. Fun, humorous elfin gathers where the best shimmer and food were present.

"Dear," the shimmer of his wife, Della appeared. Her profile as beautiful as the most luscious a photo or imagining. Her heart shape face soothed his soul.

"Yes, my love," Alden said, taking her hand.

"Are you quite sure Livvy left before Quinlin was said to arrive," Della said discretely by kissing his ear.

A red hue, which had nothing to do with the romantics appeared in the base of his neck.

"Let's check," Alden whispered. Then to the gathering, "We'll be right back, my wife has just reminded me of some urgent business."

"Ar, ye are a lucky one," the fifth unmentioned member joined in.

"Quite," Alden said, appearing pleased.

Teal eyes smiled at the fifth member. However Della could sense the prickle beneath her husband's veneer and placed an arm in his. Alden returned to gaze upon her. He still could not abide drunkenry, or advances on his beloved. And Della did not mind the wariness, out of love for her. She loved him dearly with all her soul too.

His gentle smile returned. "Shall we?"

"Let's," Della agreed.

It was in the garden...  oh no, not raised voices.  Alden tutted in his inner cheek. In their early years as new weds, Livvy had liked to come here most; when the children were little it didn't stop. Alden had thought it was perfect how he could chat with his best friend while their wives were together. He hadn't realised. None of them had, that they were in turbulent water in each other's boat.

All Della and Alden had to do was follow the torando exhausting words coming from their friends mouths. Both agreed it was Livvy's fault for secrecy now. Though Della also saw how Quinlin put it upon himself. They were both two proud people, in their own regards and areas. Humility saves a marriage, Della had long experienced. On both ends.

Two voices argued. About the human sister of Sophie, Amy.

"It's fog," a snippet of what Livvy said came their way. "Let her go."

At least it is making them communicate, Alden thought nervously. He was not informing of the origin of the idea, nor his insistence.

"Let's both agree to look after her," Quinlin said.

"That's what we did," Livvy argued.

Della squeezed her husband's shoulder. They were both near to their rope's end.

"Oh, dear," Alden commented, walking in.

Bold as ever to say the thing needed to end the argument. Livvy and Quinlin both clammed up as they saw Alden approach. It wasn't just his stature that made (most) people look up to Alden. It was the absolute calm assurance about himself. It made you calm being near him. 'It'd all work out.' These rare occasions, were when Della most appreciated his prowess. (That and when he played and looked after the children- that made her fall for him again.)

"What's happened?" Alden said.

"Nothing."- "Nevermind," The ex's said and spun to face their friends.

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