Chapter 3- Amy Foster

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The air shimmered around Amy, but she didn't notice. She was too busy crying over her fallen cat Marty. It was more than that- it was the only animal who knew and loved her sister, Sophie, as much as Amy did. And who remembered her.

The dog came and licked her face.

"You remember her too, huh, Watson," Amy rubbed the dog's ears just the way he liked. "You liked Atlantis too, and my big headed sister, huh?" Another lick came. "I miss them too."

"I think he always did like the walks we gave him. Not many could say more."
The familiar voice broke through Amy's nine-year-old haze. Turning around the shimmering air vanished (into substance).
"Livvy," Amy hugged her elvish guardian.

"Hi love," Livvy hugged her tightly. They had gotten to know each other very well over the months Amy had been in Atlantis.
"You are here- how?"
Amy rubbed her eyes, excited and so happy. This was exactly what she needed, she needed a distraction, a hope. Someone who knew what she was going through (There was no one else she could talk to about it. Amy had hated it how they had wiped her parents memories. Thought humans were so weak minded they couldn't handle the trauma. She had faced trauma every day of her life. On television. With Sophie. Hiding in a house alone. But they couldn't see that. Everything would be better if her parents remembered. Sophie couldn't act so cool and too cool to contact. Because they could handle it.  Her parents could've handled it...
Amy breathed out. She was nine. She didn't know how to help. But Livvy was here and she could give her answers.
And Livvy gave her another squeeze. "It is so good seeing you again. I've missed you."
"Me, too," Amy mumbled.

As the two held onto each other, it was like one of Amy's problems was fixed that day, without her even realising it.

"I thought this day might be hard and you might be missing some other person who is gone.But I can tell you she is doing perfectly fine. No grievous injuries yet." Livvy hugged and held Amy close.

Amy loved Livvy. Livvy was the only person who treated her like she could handle it. There was someone else... Amy peaked round her folds of garments.
"Where's Quinlin? Did he come too?" Amy glanced hopefully around.

News was always better when there was company. And Quinlin had loads of ideas and information to keep Amy happy and out of the way. Plus, she missed the tall elf and their days spent in the Atlantic library; And their secret scribble fight one fateful day.

"No. I might not have managed to tell him the right way for him to come," Livvy admited.

After Amy had come back, Livvy had placed a 'routine' house call as a gardener. And ensured Amy's parents were doing fine, as was Amy. [The girl was regularly recalling more and more information and memories of her time together with Sophie. And each time was fresh. It was the other reason she had hope Quinlin would be here. He made the memories quiet. Like Mr Forkle did when he visited.] Amy's face fell.

"No you didn't." A sour voice came from the tree.
"Quinlin!" Amy shouted, happily.
Quinlin continued, "And you really should obscurer."

Livvy looked and examined the tree. "Like, you would think Amy disappearing is a good idea? Not likely. But kiddo, he missed you too. I suggest 'missing' a lost ball."
At the wink, Amy took Livvy's hint; and guessed the general direction of Quinlin's voice.

Amy threw one of Watson's ball and had to race after it before the puppy collected it. She wasn't fast enough and tried again, successfully landing in a bush and Amy went behind it. Then Quinlin appeared. With all human clothes, he looked really normal. And not elvish.

"Hey kiddo," Quinlin spoke.

He smiled. As annoying as Livvy was, she was right about the child's mental well-being. They had discussed and taken it upon themselves to ensure the mental (him) and physical (Dr. Livvy) well being of the child in the predicament she face. Amy hugged him. He coughed.
Obviously Enjoying the moment; for Livvy could see how glad he was the human girl was safe.

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