Future : To My Past Self

Start from the beginning

Sakura got up and went over to see a proper shinto wedding photo. There was also a photo of them in Egypt and what looked to be like Italy. "Wow..." she said, surprised as a wave of happiness washed over her. "You're future self died this morning. In order to protect the future we had to bring you over sooner than I wanted." he shared. "But your future self knew something would happen. That's why she left you that box." he shared.

The princess went back over to the couch again and looked at the box and her earring. She couldn't stop the thoughts of her and Hibari getting married one day that her orange earring lit up in a brilliant orange flame much like Tsunayoshi's. Hibari scoffed. "Of course. Something stupid as love would ignite your sky flame" he commented rolling his eyes.

Sakura fought the urge to stick her tongue out at him. Instead she took the earring and shoved the flame into the box. The box glowed bright orange and opened revealing two rings and one bicolor box. Hibari's eyes widened. Her future self left her her rings and boxes. Including the box that took her from him.

He got up and went over to her and took her rings. "Give me your right hand," he told her. She handed her hand to him. He took the storm ring and put it on her middle finger. "You are a storm attribute fighter. Always in the center of the fight. Relentlessly attacking your opponents and never backing down. You have storm through all your fingers except for three." he shared with her.

He took her cloud ring. "Left hand." he ordered her. She handed him her left hand. "Your ring finger is one of the three that bears a different attribute. This is your only cloud vein. It leads to your heart directly connecting with mine." he said as he kissed the back of her hand. The girl could faint from butterflies. He held both her hands in his. "Your pointer fingers are your sky attributes. They show you the way as you lead and point to others for attacks." he finished and let go of her hands. "Kyoya-san." She called his name and it hurt a little. "Kyo." he corrected her. "Your future self calls me Kyo. Please do so as well, little one." he asked her, picking up the bi-color box.

"Your future self died getting this box. Let me research it a little before you can have it." he asked her. She nodded her head. "Then get some rest. I'll have either myself or Miki train you tomorrow. Tetsu should be back from the meeting in a bit. Ask him if you need anything else." he told her. "Okay." she said. He nodded at her then left the room.

With the door shut behind him he felt the tightness in his chest. Her past self wasn't his princess. But now that she was there he would do anything and everything to keep her safe. "I won't let you go this time" he promised himself before heading to the lab as he glared at the bicolored box.

Sakura sat in the lounge room waiting for Tetsuya. Although this is where she would be staying while in the future, she couldn't help but feel like she was a guest and not a member of the home.

A knock on the sliding door snapped her out of her thoughts. "Sakura-sama, are you hungry?" Tetsuya asked her. She shook her head still feeling overwhelmed and exhaustion catching up to her. "No. But I am feeling tired. Kyo-san said something about asking you to set up the futon?" He nodded his head. "Of course my lady. Let me show you the bedroom." Sakura nodded and followed him.

"Kyo-san is right. If you need anything please ask me or Miki-san. We want you to be comfortable here." he assured her as they walked down the hallway. "And what about training?" she asked. "Miki-san is ready to start tomorrow if you'd like. I learned today that Tsuna-san, Gokudera-san and Yamamoto-san have already started lighting up their rings too." he shared with her. Sakura frowned looking down at her two rings. "I was able to light up my earring but not the rings yet." she honestly told him. "You'll be able to do it soon. It normally takes 30 hours to light up the rings up and you alright lit up your earring so you'll be okay." he assured her.

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