Chapter 19: Work Together

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) brought Quaritch alive and he need him alive also Spider beg (Y/N) not to kill him because he didn't kill his own father and then (Y/N) knew what to do and he had to bring the colonel alive to the Sully family and he is gonna have a word with him right away. The two of them are going to talk right away and they both were chilling little bit and then they both were keeping him alive there and Quaritch dude....was going to live more and he got his ass tied up and he wasn't moving anywhere.

Then (Y/N) finally transform back to his own human form and he was got his clothes on to dresses up right away and (Y/N) was turn his head to look at his brother Spider and he knew Spider was loving with his own father...but Spider doesn't like the way of Quaritch doing this and it is horrible for hurting the other innocent people and then they both were gonna have a conversation.

Quaritch was finally awake for himself and he just definitely awake and he saw (Y/N) with Spider and the other Sully children were here and they both guarding at him and make sure he is gonna do something worst but they won't let that happened to them.

(Y/N): "You alright need to worry at it...." He said to him and make him was sigh out little bit and he said.

Quaritch: "You just ties all everything up right now?" He asked (Y/N) and make him nod his head and then he told Quaritch about what he is gonna do was sat there and doing nothing and then Quaritch was definitely silent and nothing else what to do but then a phone ringing up and make (Y/N) turn his head to look at the phone and he grab it in his hand and he was show it to Quaritch.

Quaritch take an answer from his phone right away and then he was checking at Lyle's report to him about what happened and then something make him got to be afraid of...what Lyle discover something else to make him got fear with little bit to be angry. Then (Y/N) with the others who want to know too...and they both witnesses at it too...this lab place where (Y/N) was been experimented and make him causes to be pissing off about what they did to him and it will be no mercy.

Quaritch knew that woman is a devil...the general was using teens to be experimented and turn them into weapons like super soldiers and killing machines. But this must be stopped...and (Y/N) need Quaritch work together with the Sully family and take all of them out.

To Be Continued.

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