Chapter 3: The Hunts Get Hunt

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

When there was a military base where the soldiers are living there by themselves and then they both were heading out to somewhere and they doing their own works and they doing it for the mankind. This place must be on the other side of Pandora and where the rest of soldiers are doing their own duties right away and make them both were just going to somewhere and packing everything up.

 This place must be on the other side of Pandora and where the rest of soldiers are doing their own duties right away and make them both were just going to somewhere and packing everything up

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Hell's Gate is the colloquial term for the facility formally known as "Resources Development Administration Extra-Solar Colony 01 (RDA ESC 01)". It is said to be located near a great rainforest known to the Na'vi as Na'ring

In 2154, Hell's Gate was the main center for all human colonial activities on Pandora and contained the moon's only spaceport. It was in a constant state of siege from both the toxic environment and dangerous animals. After the Assault on the Tree of Souls, Hell's Gate came under attack, prompting the TAP facility to be evacuated in order to reinforce the base. However, the RDA's efforts were in vain, as Hell's Gate was taken over by RDA defectors and the Omatikaya clan when the RDA was forced off Pandora near the end of 2154.

When there was the living room and inside of it and there was a captain who was stood right there by himself and he was working with the files that it is called the projects for what he was searching on...many files of the project called...AMAZONS and make him was put his hand on his face and he was thinking about it....there was already have two Project Amazons have one.

Captain: "Son of bitch...Quaritch had failed to destroy it...the cargo where the Project Amazon 'Alpha' was already lost it." He said to himself and then he heard the door was knocking.

Captain: "Come on in!" He said to him and make the man was got inside right away and then he was opened the door and then he was put his hand up and saluted and he said.

Soldier: "Captain, the general wish to speaks with you..." He said.

Captain: "An important about?" He asked him.

Soldier: "The Project Alpha, sir." He said to him and this make the captain heard of it and he was definitely knew the project amazon for what the general want to do and then the Captain told him.

Captain: "Alright, I'll talk to her later. Now dismissed." He said and make the soldier was nod his head and then he was walking away from here and let the captain alone by himself and make him sigh out and he was turn his head to look at the file of Alpha Amazon right there and make him was thinking and he will planning something else about it. Then Captain sigh out and he was put the file of paper to the table right away and make him was got up from the chair and he begin to heading out and start to meet the general.

Time Skip Later.

In Pandora.

When the captain has done meeting with the general and the general want him and his team to pick up the Alpha Amazon's pod and where the subject was been falling and make her want it alive and make sure that won't fail anything and then the captain make a promise that won't fail anything. Then the captain told all the marines to getting everything up right away and they both are doing it and then the captain told the soldiers there was a mission for what they need to do is...hunting party and searching for the subject Alpha Amazon immediately.

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