Chapter 15: Confront General Ardmore

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3rd POV:

Back to Quaritch.

When Quaritch was checking at his son that was in the investigate room and that he just heard about what his second son was alive and it is definitely him alive and he was came back from the hell where he was belong to and then Quaritch was look down at his second son but he ask his second son about where is his elder son.

Spider: "That thing you were fight your son." He said to Quaritch and make the colonel was surprise to heard for what Spider said to him.

Quaritch: "What? What you say?" He asked him.

Spider: "That thing that you and others were tried to hunting was my brother (Y/N) and he is your son." He said to Quaritch and make him was surprise and he didn't knew about this but he just heard for what his son Spider said to him and he is talking about (Y/N) is Alpha Amazon when he was fighting at General Ardmore.

Quaritch was definitely knew something off and what's going on here and he was going to have a words with General Ardmore about what she did something happened to his wife and his unborn baby. Then after Quaritch was definitely heading to the office of General Ardmore and he was confront at her about his elder son and his wife.

When he was talking to her about his wife and son name is (Y/N) and does she knew at it and she wasn't say anything but until she told him that she didn't heard of it and she told him that she was doing her job to do serve the humanity and mankind. This make Quaritch was going out there by himself and then he want to knew more information for what General Ardmore and then he went to ask Lyle and he told him.

Quaritch: "Lyle, I need you do me a favor." He said.

Lyle: "Sure, what is it?" He asked Quaritch.

Quaritch: "I want you to go in there and investigate General Ardmore's room and also the secret base room and something ain't right about her...and what we are hunting out there." He said to Lyle.

Lyle: " you think that thing is out there is definitely dangerous and outsmart than us?" He asked Quaritch.

Quaritch: "Probably...but we need to do the favor...that we need to find out about what General Ardmore was talking about secret basement....and something ain't right at it."

Lyle: "Alright, I'll find out about it." He said to him.

Quaritch: "Good, I am proud of you at it." He said to Lyle and then Quaritch was with his other soldiers doing their works to secure anything else around here and they both are picking some signals and then they were heading out there and they gonna look for the enemies and Jake Sully and they want him alive.

To Be Continued.

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