Sebastian started to walk away and I followed behind him.

"You look so hot right now. If you weren't my best friend's wife, I would have loads of sex with you," he teased which caused me to blush.

We got into his car and the first half of the drive was silent. There was no music playing or talking.

"He is crashing at one of the warehouses," he said randomly and I knew who he was talking about.

"I don't care," I said as I started playing with my fingers.

I could see him look at me before turning back his attention to the road.

Some more silence passed before I looked outside the window.

"Is he okay?" I tried not to sound like I cared too much.

"Yeah it was just an allergic reaction. I'm not sure why you thought that would kill him. You just pissed him off more."

I silently let out a breath of relief.

"I respect you for that though," he said and I turned to him.

"Enzo was messing with you so you fired back. There is nothing wrong with that but you need to stop pissing him off before he actually loses his shit on you. We're good friends with your dad that's why he hasn't done anything as yet but if you keep this up then I can't protect you."

I stayed silent as we continued our drive.

We reached the place after a few minutes and sat at a table.

"Are you ready to order?" The waitress asked and Sebastian shook head.

"Not yet," he said.

"Okay, just press the button when you are ready," she said before heading to the next table.

I turned to him. "You're not ready? I thought you said you were having the special?"

"I'm still looking," he grumbled as he looked through the menu.

I sighed before putting down my menu.

I smiled as I looked around at everyone.

Coming back out into the real world and seeing people just doing normal things made me happy.

I froze when my eyes landed on him.

He was walking towards us while texting on his phone. He was dressed down in his black suit.

How many suits did this man have?

"What is he doing here?" I asked out loud.

"Just trust me."

He finally put away his phone and looked up. When he saw me , immediately halted.

I turned to Sebastian. "He didn't know I was coming?"

Sebastian stood up. "Come Enzo."

He slowly walked towards us. "What is she doing here?"

Sebastian started to laugh. "She asked me the same thing about you. You guys really do think alike."

Enzo immediately turned around but Sebastian grabbed his arm.

"Wait, you two need to talk. You can't avoid her forever."

He started to move off. "Watch me."

"You guys are married. Try to work things out."

"Seb, if I work things out with this women, it's going to result in her death. Now let me go."

I had a feeling that his threat would actually go as planned this time.

"Sit," Seb said seriously.

Enzo turned around and watched him.

"Are you seriously going to miss out on the special just because you're afraid of your wife."

"I am not afraid of her."

"Then sit."

He sighed before slowly sitting down from across me.

Sebastian called the waitress over and ordered specials for all three of us.

There was a painful silence between us as Enzo and I stared angrily into each other's souls.

Sebastian cleared his throat. "You tried to kill her. She tried to kill you. The both of you failed so can't we call it even?"

We both glared at Sebastian at the same time.

"No!" We shouted.

"I hate her," he said.

"I hate him." I said.

Sebastian held his head. "You guys are giving me a headache. I don't know why I put myself in this mess."

"Three specials," another waitress said as she placed our plates, with a tower of pancakes, on the table. She turned to Enzo. "Mr. Mariano! Long time no see."

He ignored her but she didn't care. She pointed at his ring and looked at my ring finger. "So the posts online are true! You did get married!"

I immediately looked up at her. "What posts?"

"I saw a few post saying that the famous millionaire CEO, Enzo Mariano got married!"

Wait, Enzo is a CEO?

I couldn't help but think about my friends. What if they saw those posts? I didn't tell them anything and he took my phone away before I could.

Enzo pulled off his ring which hurt me a little.

He stood up and placed it in his pocket. "Put those to go, I can't eat this shit right now."

He turned around and then just walked out.

"Well this was a disaster," Sebastian said under his breath.


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