F.I.L.S.S: "I am sorry. This is a secure facility. Only authorized personnel may enter."

"Didn't Sarge shoot that?" Ruby pointed at the monitor.

Nora giggled, "Yeah he did."

"He's hiding in the same base... how did the reds and blues not find him before?" Pyrrha frowned.

"Maybe he only went there after they left.. or it's a different base." Jaune shrugged.

"Doesn't really matter anyway." Yang shrugged.

Carolina: "F.I.L.S.S? Is that you? What's happened to you?"

F.I.L.S.S: "This is a secure facility. Only authorized personnel may enter. Please leave the premises immediately."

"Church can get them in." Ruby recalled.

Carolina: "F.I.L.S.S, this is Agent Carolina of Project Freelancer. Acknowledge and go for secure."

F.I.L.S.S: "I am sorry. I recognize that designation, but only authorized personnel may enter this facility."

Carolina: "Church?"

Church: "Open the door F.I.L.S.S."

F.I.L.S.S: "Certainly. Welcome back Director. I did not expect to see you again so soon."

Probably the same place as before then, Jaune thought.

The wall behind them opens to reveal a secret doorway.

Carolina: "Thank you."

Church and F.I.L.S.S: "My pleasure."

F.I.L.S.S: "Strange. I was... unaware you had left, Director. I will have to scan my files and find the error."

"It's weird that she can't tell them apart." Ruby commented, "One's a guy and one's a ghost."

Carolina: "Left?"

F.I.L.S.S: "Yes. Since his last visit."

Carolina: "So you show the Director inside the facility as well as outside?"

F.I.L.S.S: "Strange, is it not?"

"Is that strange? I don't know super secret weird crazy science project protocols." Ruby shrugged.

"The what kind of protocols?" Weiss raised a confused eyebrow.

Carolina: "Yes. Strange. And exactly what we were hoping for."

Cut to Valhalla at Blue Base. Wash and Tucker are standing on a ledge watching the Reds below.

Grif: "Well this is depressing."

Sarge: "Can it, private."

Grif: "What? I'm just saying what we're all thinking."

Sarge: "You didn't say you were fat and worthless, and we were definitely all thinking that."

Nora giggled, "That's mean."

"It is mean." Pyrrha agreed with a grimace. "Grif is not worthless, without Grif, Sarge would be dead."

"I know, and he's funny." Nora added, "He also helped Sarge beat the Meta. Twice!"

Tucker: "Alright, you know the drill."

Simmons: "Do we have to?"

Washington: "That depends; how badly do you want your flag back?"

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