Sarge emerges from inside the base and approaches the two.

Sarge: "Yep. He's a real dirtbag all right. But... even if he's six feet under, we'll still be in the same damn spot."

"He's right, killing him won't benefit them." Ren commented.

"The same is true for Carolina." Pyrrha added, "Project freelancer is over, he's only a fugitive hiding somewhere. While he deserves justice, revenge will do Carolina no good."

"So I guess what you're saying is.. revenge is a dish best not served." Yang raised an eyebrow.

Blake, Ren, Weiss, and Pyrrha chuckled.

"He could have some master plan." Nora pointed out.

"He could, but that's not their reasoning. Or Carolina's reasoning at least. The Reds and Blues are kind of just following along because they were told to." Blake explained.

Simmons: "Uh... sir?"

Sarge: "All I'm saying is we made it back to base in one piece, and even found the rest of our team. So do you boys really think running off again will make things any better?"

Cut to Washington eavesdropping on the Reds from the side of the base.

Sarge: "'Cause the way I see it, leaving this place is only going to make things worse."

Grif: "Hmm. I guess you have a point Sarge."

"This is one of the few serious conversations the reds have ever had." Weiss smiled appreciatively.

"Sarge has grown a lot." Blake added.

Nora nodded, "He has, I still think he should break the Director's legs but it's up to him. And for once, Grif is right."

Washington walks away.

Sarge: "Shut up, Grif."

Nora giggled, "He's still the same old Sarge though."

"I think Wash is coming to trust the reds and blues more and more." Blake commented, "First there was the moment with Caboose-"

Pyrrha nodded, "Where Wash learned that they were friends."

Blake nodded back, "And now this."

"He's been taking their side more and more too." Ruby added.

Cut to another area of Valhalla, where Carolina is seen walking.

Carolina: "Church, can't this wait?"

Church appears.

Church: "No, it can't. Carolina, the guys are terrified of you."

Carolina: "What's your point?"

Church: "My point is that they think you're a killer psychopath and you can't be trusted! But I know they're wrong. I know why you're doing all of this. And I know you're not really crazy!"

"They just need to talk, that's all." Jaune reiterated.

Ruby nodded, "Yeah."

Carolina: "(sarcastically) Gee, thanks Church. You certainly know how to make a girl feel special."

Pyrrha and Yang chuckled.

Church: "What I don't know is what happened between you and Tex."

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