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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. hey it's piper and I'm here to ask you all a question and share this beautiful photo of annabeth (can you believe she can do that?) because she won't post it. i am in need of some questions from you guys for a couple interview so comment anything that you want to know about the couples! 
{tagged: @wisegirl}

@wisegirl Piper, I told you not to post this
@Pipes_Mclean @wisegirl and i didn't listen ;)
@fanofliterallyeveryone @wisegirl girl, why wouldn't you want to post this?!!! you look like a freaking goddess 
@seaweed_brain @wisegirl @fanofliterallyeveryone agreed, beth you look amazing <3
@wisegirl Thank you, this helps my confidence (A/N: I would like to add that she typed this really fast then ran to give Percy a hug)

@fanofliterallyeveryone I want to know how long they've been together and how long they've been together @fanofliterallyeveryone added to the list!

@majorshipper369 this is base knowledge i need to know, who asked who out? @majorshipper369 i don't even think i know that for some of the couples, so we'll definitely use this

@user790 this is pretty basic but who's clingier @user790 accepted ✅

@ilovedrama what trope(s) would they use to describe their relationship @ilovedrama ooh that's interesting, definitely doing this one

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A/N: Can you tell I got tired by the end? 

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