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Camera starts on Piper
"So many people have been asking about our nicknames" she started
"We've said some in our videos and some of them are incorporated in our usernames" continued Annabeth coming into frame
"So let's go!" said Percy excitedly

The camera showed Annabeth and Piper and Percy were behind the camera.
"I call Annabeth, Wise Girl and that is a thing that has gone on for a long time" said Percy
"And Thalia calls Annabeth Annie and that also goes back a long time" said Piper

Then the camera was on Percy and Annabeth and Piper were behind the camera.
"I call Percy Seaweed Brain and I have been for a while" said Annabeth
"Thalia calls Percy Kelp Head because Seaweed Brain was taken and Leo calls him Aquaman"

Now all three of them were behind the camera and the camera was pointed at Wil who was making tea in the kitchen. He then turned around to see them with a camera pointed at him.
"Nico calls Will Sunshine" said Percy
"And technically Will is a nickname, William is Will's full name" said Annabeth
"What are you guys doing?" asked Will very confused
"I'll explain later" replied Annabeth

Nico was now on screen in the living room. Behind him you could see Will watching from the kitchen, still confused.
"Nico is called Death Boy by Will and anyone really close to him can call him Neeks and not be murdered" said Piper

Jason was tracked down by the trio and shoved on camera.
"I call Jason Sparky" said Piper
"And Leo calls him Blonde Superman" continued Percy

Then Piper appeared on screen.
"Piper is called Pipes by almost everyone who is close to her" said Annabeth
"And Leo calls her Beauty Queen but normally gets chased afterwards" said Percy

Next was Leo.
"Leo is called Repair Boy by me" said Piper
"And he calls himself Leo Mcshizzle and Bad boy supreme" said Annabeth

Calypso was shown after Leo.
"A lot of us call Calypso Caly" said Percy

Hazel was shown on screen.
"Leo has called Hazel Miss Metal Dectector" said Percy
"And we all call her Haze" said Annabeth

Frank was tracked down and shown.
"Leo calls Frank Chinese Canadian Baby man" said Piper

Next was Reyna.
"Reyna is called RARA, her initials by a lot of people" said Percy
"And some of us call her Rey" said Piper

Rachel was shown painting in her room.
"Almost all of us call her RED her initials and some of us call her Rach as well" said Annabeth

Thalia was shown.
"Percy calls Thalia Pinecone Face" said Piper
"And I call her Thals" said Annabeth

Then Travis and Conner were shown on the screen.
"Everyone normally refers to the both of them together as the Stolls or when they're being addressed, Stolls" said Annabeth

Katie was the last one to appear on screen.
"Travis calls Katie Katie-Kat" said Percy

"And that's everyone" said Piper
"Make sure to leave a like and subscribe" added Percy

The end 

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