chaotic_family_of_teenagers|Life intro part 2

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The covered area of the dining area had rafters and thick green foliage growing over top

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The covered area of the dining area had rafters and thick green foliage growing over top. It let sunlight in while giving shade. There were hanging baskets and huge pots filled with bright green plants all around. 

"This is our outdoor dining area" said Piper as Will held the camera
"We eat out here when the weather is nice" said Reyna
"Which it is right now" added Katie
"Now we'll tour around the gardens" said Rachel 

"This is our outdoor dining area" said Piper as Will held the camera"We eat out here when the weather is nice" said Reyna"Which it is right now" added Katie"Now we'll tour around the gardens" said Rachel 

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They walked down a path to then show a seating area with lots of plants and trees around the area. Then they followed the path to a plant covered arch. Under the arch there were a few tables that were covered on pots of suculants and ferns. Katie was in the lead and Travis held the camera with everyone following them. 

Once they exited the archway they were met with a clear open space surrounded with trees. In the clearing there was two areas filled with flowers, fruits and veggies and lined with basic wooden fences. When they were there Katie ran to one of her plants and tended to it. 

They walked around the last part of the garden which was a maze of colourful flowers, exotic plants and unique trees. They walked through another arch of plants to get to an outdoor pool. 

The pool was positioned at the edge of the house with trees hanging over it, plants around the edge and seating around the edge as well. 

"This is our outdoor pool!" said Percy very excitedly
"We spend lots of time here" said Annabeth "Mainly because of Percy"
"Now we are going back inside to show you guys our rooms and two other rooms" said Piper

Hazel then took the camera and Reyna went in the lead with Nico walking with her. Everyone was walking in twos or threes. Annabeth, Percy and Will were walking together right behind Reyna and Nico. Piper, Leo and Calypso were walking together. Jason was walking with Thalia next to them. Behind them, Katie and Rachel and the Stolls were walking in two groups but next to each other. Frank wasn't seen but, he was walking with Hazel. 

Once they got inside they took lots of turns to get to a library. 


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