Position four. (16)

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**Faith Pov**
+August 5th 2009+

We finally pulled into a large underground driveway everything about this place screaming luxury. Ever since we first saw the large gates that would allow us inside I knew they were rich and seeing how massive the house was made me feel suprised as every single time I got moved I met new people and I saw a larger house.

"Here we are.." Alexis voice drifted off as she opened the car and walked outside. I stared at her as she got off a bit or her skirt revealing a tattoo, a very odd one too which I hardly saw but it seemed off.

"Wow so much for a whore house, I get to live here for free just to strip on some pole? Totally excited!" Haley shrieked.

"Actually depends how much you make, Mathew demands each woman who lives under his roof makes more than 500 dollars a day and if you're lucky enough to be a pole dancer than you'll be making 1000, 2000 in like two, three hours if you are good enough!" Alexis answered.

"Well I worked as a pole dancer until I met someone and I fell Inlove with them but you know life doesn't work out sometimes because he doesn't even love me anymore." Haley's once enthusiastic tone became soft and cold.

"Ok girls enough chitchatting Mathew wants me to take you both to your rooms so Alexis can make y'all look presentable once he sees y'all." Stevens demanding voice spoke.

"I'm so going to dress like a pole dancer to make him give me that job because I definitely want it!" Haley clapped her hands. "Well I'm going to try and get what Alexis has so I don't have to work that awful shit." I said a bit disgusted.

"I mean whatever suits you!" Haley said shrugging her shoulders a smile still spread across her face.


"So bill likes whores huh?" Mathew asked a smile spread across his face looming directly at Haley. "well I wouldn't say he likes them but I definitely am one if I get to work at the poles!" Haley said pressing her hand onto her hips.

"So excited, I like it." He smiled winking at her a bit. "Well anyways on to you. Name?" He asked me his face becoming bored as he realized I didn't have the same energy as her.

"Faith Welfer." I Said in a cold Tone. "Pretty Name for such a pretty girl, I'll let you guess what your number will be" he smirked as he put his elbows on his desk and holding his face with his hands a nasty smirk across his face which I just wanted to wipe clean off.

"I'm hoping for si-" he interrupted me. "No, guess again." His smirk still huge. "What don't tell me you gave me two or one?!" I asked afraid what he would say.

"Why I would say your a disrespectful little brat. Be glad I didn't choose one because I gave you four along with your friend." He snarled his smile disappearing completely.

"Wait what's four again?" Haley asked. "Honey, four is what you wanted of course, a pole dancer because with the way you presented yourself I couldn't deny it and just because you were so enthusiastic you were the reason your friend didn't get number one." Mathew's huge grin appeared again.

"Ok now leave you have three nights then you both will start and for the first few nights Alexis will accompany you and will explain the rules we have for you." Mathew suddenly changed his tone which was now cold and dry.

"Alright, cmon girls." She spoke as we all turned around to leave. "Alexis stay." Mathew demanded making Alexis stop moving completely but quickly regaining her movements.

"Go ahead girls Steven will be right outside the door to guide both of you to your permanent rooms." Alexis spoke trying to find the strength to form a genuine smile but failing miserably and forming a fake one instead.

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