A/N: Story Facts

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Hey guys. Just wanted to say thanks for all the votes and reviews. It means so much. So I thought I'd give you guys some facts about the story that I obviously forgot to mention.
1. Lilianna is actually the name of one of my younger cousins. I've always thought the name was beautiful.
2. Pat is actually a tribute to Pat Carroll the voice actress of Ursula in the little mermaid. One of my all time favorite Disney movies. She passed away recently in 2022 and I wanted to keep her memory alive.
3. All of lily's horses are named after the Golden girls. My favorite show in the world.
4.Wanda is actually the name of my dog. Named after the Scarlett Witch.
5.Chris and Angela are named after my two favorite coworkers who have been so nice to me.
6. Clarissa is named after a girl who got on my last nerve in high school. We had theater class together and she was a major Bi*ch
7.Lily's looks and clothes are actually based on Sailor Jupiter from sailor moon.
8. Hestia is the name of one of my students in my class. And it means goddess of the harth and home.
9. Lily's necklace can actually be found at James Avery.
10.The whole story took almost 6 months to write.

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