Ch.11: A Bad Night

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Despite my efforts I just couldn't sleep that night. Not to mention Wanda was snoring and taking up most of the bed.
So now fully awake and annoyed. I got out of bed and changed into a long sleeve red blouse,  comfortable black pants and my boots.
After putting up my messy brown hair into my iconic ponytail look. I kissed Wanda on the head, tucked her into the blankets and made my way out of the house.
Not wanting to go anywhere on foot, I decided to fulfill my promise of taking one of my girls out for a ride.
Walking into the stable, I noticed Blanche, Dorothy and Rose were sound asleep. But luckily for me Sophia was wide awake. She let out happy little neighs as I approached her and pet her soft grey mane.
"Hi beautiful, how about we go out?" I asked her.
After putting the saddle on, I hopped on and kicked Sophia to get her going.
I didn't exactly have a location in mind, but the fresh air certainly felt good as we rode further and further away.
It was a little scary how quiet it was. But then again what could I expect when everyone else was asleep.
The only sound that filled the air was Sophia's hooves clip clopping against the cobble stone.
But the night sky was so lovely, the stars were shining, and the bells of the church began to ring once more. So pretty and musical, that they seemed to have me in a trance.
So much so that I gasped in shock as someone jumped Infront of us and frightened Sophia.
I held onto the regins and she kicked up her front legs and whined.
"Easy girl, it's okay" I whispered to her, hoping to get her to calm down.
"Is this her?" I heard another man asked as 3 more gypsy men appeared out of the darkness .
Their ring leader was a short man, black hair, dressed in purple, black facil hair on his chin and the iconic gold earring in his ear.
"No doubt about it" he replied as he glared at me.
"Look..I don't know who any of you are. Please just let me get by" I begged.
"Shut your mouth Frollo Whore" one man snapped, making my blood turn cold.
"Excuse me?!" I gasped.
"You heard him, only someone who screws around with someone as Evil as Judge Claude Frollo would turn in a gypsy."
I was beyond confused at this point, but then it hit me. Could they mean...the man who broke my necklace and harassed me?!
"I..I didn't turn him in..he was the one who attacked me!"
"I don't care! That was my brother! Now because of you he has to rot in a cage like a damn dog!" The man in purple screamed at me.
"I..I didn't mean to get him in trouble. He attacked me and broke something precious to me" I said.
"Oh you mean that stupid chain around that pretty little neck" one man said approaching me.
Snapping out of my frozen state, I slapped him silly and rode away as fast as I could.
But from behind me I could hear the 4 men chasing after us. Calling me a whore and saying I'd pay for what I had done.
It was so dark that I could nearly tell where we were going.
Yet somehow we ended up in the woods.
There I was..lost..scared..and hunted...

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