Ch.15:A Nice Surprise

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Although I knew I was supposed to be resting, I eventually got bored of just laying there.
So I got out of bed and walked towards the windowsill.
Through the window I could see all of Paris.
Citizens going about their business. Mothers walking with their children, men kissing their wives goodbye before heading off to work.
And in the distance I could see the church. I couldn't help but wish I was there now. I missed the children, my friends, and the sound of the bells. Even though I could faintly hear them now. I missed hearing them loud and clear in person.
As I sat there lost in thought, I didn't realize the door to my room was opening.
"Liliana, dear girl you're supposed to be resting" said that strict voice I knew all to well.
"I did rest, I just couldn't stand laying there anymore. The ceiling can only get so entertaining" I said not turning away from the window.
"I see, well my dear to make your stay more comfortable here I have a surprise for you."
That immediately caught my attention.
But what I saw next made my whole face lit up like the stars in the night sky.
There rushing through the door towards me, was none other than my puppy.
"Wanda!" I cried out as I held out my arms and hugged her.
She wagged her tail and smothered my face with kisses.
"I can see she really missed you" said Frollo with a smirk.
"I really missed her too, you went all the way to my cottage just to get her?" I asked.
"OfCourse, I figured you'd be happier with friend as you called her" Frollo explained.
"You have no idea how much this means to me" I said looking up at him with a big smile.
But it quickly faded as he approached me and put a hand in my hair.
"Liliana,..dear girl you have a lot of junk in your hair" he said while removing a few leaves and twigs.
Reaching up, I could feel what he was talking about. My hair felt disgusting and overall I felt dirty and improper in front of him.
"I'm sorry..I guess I didn't realize" I said staring down at the floor.
He sighed and helped me to my feet.
"Come, let's get you cleaned up" he said leading me out of the room and down the hall.
I nearly gasped as we walked into a very beautiful bathroom.
The bathtub was a pretty pearl color. The floor was tiled with silver. And a few fancy paintings decorated the walls.
Sitting me on th edge of the tub, Frollo ran the water till the bath was filled with warm water and a few bubbles.
"There you are dear, I'll leave you to it and send someone in with a change of clothes soon. Take all the time you need."
"Thank you Frollo" I said doing my best to hide my blush.
Once he was gone, I sighed in relief. Half me me was worried that he'd actually stay in the room and watch me as I bathed.
But luckily for me, it was only me and Wanda in the room.
Wanda made herself comfortable on the fuzzy white bathroom mat as I made my way into the tub.
After letting my body adjust, I sank deeper and deeper into the water and let the suds wash away all the dirt and grime.
Once I resurfaced, I rested my head against the tub and just allowed myself to just relax.
"This is different than back at the cottage huh Wanda?" I asked her.
She just looked up at me and sighed.
"How's your bath ms?" I heard a small voice ask.
Standing there was a towel was a short woman in a maids uniform. She has pale skin, pretty almond shaped brown eyes and silky black hair pulled back into a bun.
"Oh hello, yes I'm enjoying it very"
"Hestia, nice to meet you" she said with a curtsey.
"Hi I'm Lily, thank you for coming to help me" I said with a giggle.
"Of course, are you ready to get out now?" She asked.
I nodded and took the towel from her. I wrapped it around my body and allowed her to dry my hair with another towel.
"All clean, now if you'll follow me Lily I'll show you where you can get dressed."
"Thank Hestia" I said feeling a whole lot better.
So far my stay at the palace of justice was going well.

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