Ch.5: Thou shalt not steal

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The sun was setting on Paris making the sky a pretty peachy color.
I couldn't wait to get home and just unwind.
My feet were killing me and the scent of spit up still lingered on my clothes.
My mind was racing with thoughts about everything that occurred today.
It was goning to take everything in me to go back tomorrow.
Who knew that taking care of babies wouldn't be the hardest part about this job. If you asked me Clarissa was the biggest brattiest baby in the whole nursery.
Just thinking about her was giving me a damn headache.
I was so caught up in my thoughts that I wasn't watching where I was going.
I let out a small yelp as I tripped on a piece of loose coble stone on the street.
I groaned in pain and felt the familiar warm red liquid running down my leg.
Before I could pick myself up, I was approached by a man.
This man has brown skin, jet black hair pulled back into a small ponytail. Black facial hair, wearing a maroon long sleeved shirt with a black best, blue pants and black boots. Along with a golden hoop earring in his left ear...a gypsy man.
I had heard that gypsy were in Paris and that they were known for stealing.
I could feel myself getting more and more nervous as he got closer to me.
"Oh you poor thing, are you alright?" He asked.
"I..I think so, thank you" I said picking myself up. Despite the pain I felt in my leg.
The man looked me up and down making me super uncomfortable.
"You know, a pretty young thing such as yourself should be more careful" he said before trying to put a hand to my face.
I stood my ground and slapped it away. " I can handle myself thank you."
I tried walking away from him,but he grabbed ahold of my wrist in a tight grip.
"What's the rush doll? Why don't you stick around? I'm just trying to be friendly" he said giving me that ugly smirk again.
"Let go! I have to go home!!" I yelled at him with tears in my eyes.
"Beautiful necklace you have there, must be worth a pretty penny" he said as his ugly long dirty fingernailed hand got closer to my neck.
"Stop it!!" I screamed as he pulled on my chain making it snap and fall from my neck. My heart instantly broke in two.
"No!" I screamed louder as more tears fell.
He was just about to bend down to pick it up when he stopped dead in his tracks.
"Unhand her you gypsy vermin!" A voice I knew all too well said.
There he stood, on his beautiful black stallion. Coming to my aid, and calming my nerves.
The man immediately let go of my wrist and tried to make a run for it.
Just then two guards blocked his path and forced him down on his knees, placing him in shackles.
"Away with him!" Frollo ordered.
The two guards nodded and took him away.
"Liliana, are you alright?" Frollo asked putting his hands on my shoulders.
Despite my efforts I couldn't bring myself to talk.
All I could do was shake my head no as I bent down to pick up my broken necklace.
More tears escaped my eyes, as I stood there feeling pathetic and weak infront of the man who saved my life...

My Angel of MercyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin