Ch.23: Gowns and Secrets

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Who knew my first kiss would be with an older man. But I could care less. His lips were so soft and inviting, and his hands held me as if I was delicate and breakable.
When he pulled away, he kissed my forehead and moved a strand of hair behind my ear.
"My beautiful Liliana, do you hear me? You're mine" he practically whispered, sending chills throughout my body.
"... Absolutely" I said as if I were in a dream state.
Picking me up by my waist, Frollo sat me on Snowball.
"Let's get going " he said leading us away from the headstones.
As we made our way to the entrance, I glanced one last time at Pat's headstone.
"Bye, I love you" I whispered.
"So tell me dearest, I thought you were going to dinner tonight with your friends. What exactly happened?" Frollo asked.
I sighed and explained to him how great the dinner was until we ran into my brother unexpectedly.
"Well I'm sorry he ruined your time. However I think I know a way to cheer you up" he said.
"Is that so? And how exactly are you gonna do that?" I asked in a teasing way.
"Be patience dearest, you'll see soon enough."
(At the palace of justice)

"Are you sure it's okay for me to be here this late" I asked.
"OfCourse, this is my home after all. Pity that you won't be spending the night here again" he said with a playful wink.
I blushed and fallowed him down the hall to a room I had never seen before.
He opened the door and gave me a small push inside.
I gasped, it was filled with with racks and racks of beautiful ball gowns.
"..May I?.." I asked almost speechless.
"Feel free my dear, I brought you here so you could pick out a gown to wear to the ball."
"But...these are so extravagant,I couldn't possibly afford one" I explained.
Frollo shook his head at me.
"I don't expect you to pay Liliana, whatever dress you choose will be a gift for you" he said.
I gasped happily and began looking all around the room.
"They're so beautiful, who makes all of them?" I asked.
"Believe it or not, Hestia has made a number of these over the years. She planned on selling them in her spare time but she got so wrapped up in her projects she just never found the time" Frollo explained.
"Well she's very talented, I'm not sure how I'll ever be able to pick out a gown" I said running my hand over the soft material of each dress.
"Well my dear, I'll send Hestia in here to help you with that. As for myself I have a small matter to attend to. But after you've picked out a gown, please join me in my study."
I happily agreed and watched as he walked out of the room.
I looked around some more, some gowns looked a little too poofy, and others were multicolored. And the last thing I wanted to look like was a rainbow.
I was so busy looking around that I didn't hear Hestia coming into the room.
"Hi Lily" she said in her soft voice nearly making me jump.
"Hi Hesti, I..umm..hope you don't mind me looking at your dresses" I said feeling shy.
She just gave me her sweet smile and said it was okay for me to look.
"Frollo explained everything, he wants you to look your best..the two of you seem close" she said with a smirk.
I blushed, " could say that."
"Do you have feelings for him?" She asked.
God I was so embarrassed, I just nodded.
"Then that's all that matters. I personally think he's a lot happier now that you're in his life."
Hearing that made me smile.
After we searched through more gowns, Hestia pulled out a dark purple gown, with a beautiful jeweled rose design on the front.
"You have to try it on!" she said pushing it into my arms and helping me behind the changing screen.
It slipped on with no issues, and once it was on, I realized it was somewhat off the shoulder and the sleeves were lacey with more rose designs.
Once I stepped out from behind the screen, Hestia gasped.
"Oh my gosh Liliana, you look so beautiful!" She said with tears of joy coming to her eyes.
"I absolutely love it, I promise to take good care of it" I assured her.
"Oh I have full faith in you. And I would be honored if you'll allow me to help you get ready that night of the ball."
I was so happy that I wrapped her in a big hug, "Thank you so much Hestia."
"You're welcome, it's about time these gowns were put to good use."
After I changed into my regular clothes I did I was instructed and went into the study.
There was Frollo, standing Infront of a roaring fire place and Staring up at a hanging crucifix on the wall.
"Saying your prayers?" I asked as I approached him.
"Always" he replied, but I couldn't help but notice her had a troubled look in his face.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Liliana..if you and I are to continue this relationship that we have...I have something to confess to you...I only pray that you will understand what I am about to tell you."
I gave him a confused look, but did my best to stay calm.
"Okay, you can tell me anything."
"... I'm a Father"

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