Ch.6: Unexpected kindness

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I half expected Frollo to get annoyed or snap at me for being a big crybaby.
But instead he shushed me, wiped away my tears and looked at me, expecting to find visible injuries.
"Your knee is bleeding, can you walk?" Frollo asked.
I nodded but gasped as he picked me up by my waist and sat me on his horse.
"Hold still dear."
I watched as he pulled out a small handkerchief from his sleeve and began cleaning my wound before wrapping it around my knee.
"There, that should prevent any infection. However it still needs to be washed properly. Are you alright Liliana?" Frollo asked noticing how out of it I was.
"...Yes, Thank you Frollo" I said with no emotion in my voice.
"May I see it?" He asked, pointing to said item in my hand.
Doing as he asked, I slowly opened my palm and showed him my broken treasure.
"I..I can see it means a lot to you, you're very lucky that Gypsy bastard didn't succeed in stealing it."
"It's..broken" I said feeling my voice crack.
"Please my dear girl, no more tears." He said patting the top of my head.
"'s all I have left of her...." I said crying some more.
"Of who?" Frollo asked.
I wanted to explain to him, but I was too overcome by grief, sadness, and pain to speak. The only word that left my lips was "Pat."
Frollo nodded but I could see that he wanted to further the conversation. However he didn't push it any further.
"How about this, I'll get the necklace fixed for you."
I looked at him in disbelief.
"Really? You would do that?" I asked.
"Of course, I could not allow this incident to cause you anymore pain. I promise to have it fixed and returned to you at the end of your shift. Now my dear may I offer you a ride home?"
"Oh you don't have to do that. You've done so much for me already" I said as I tried to get down from the horse.
"Nonsense dear, you shouldn't be out at this hour alone anyways. I'd be more than happy to escort you home."
I shrugged but smiled for the first time that night.
"Well...okay, but my house isn't exactly...fancy" I explained.
"That doesn't matter to me at all. Now hold on dear, let's get you home."
I did as I was told and pet the pretty horses black mane as we walked.
I could also feel the eyes of others as we walked by them. So judgemental and mean.
But I didn't care, they could think whatever they wanted. He was so nice to me and that's all that mattered.

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