Ch.18: You'll never be good enough!

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(Hiiii Everyone!! How's it going? First let me say how happy I am that all of you have been so supportive of this story. I didn't expect it to be this popular, but thank you all so much. I know it's taken me a while to upload more chapters and that's because..well I'm pregnant lol. But in my spare time I came across a Frollo comic on DeviantArt by a really talented artist by the name of Moe Machine. Their work can be found there and on Tumblr. Now I've never been a huge Frollo and Esmeralda fan but this story was so great I just had to share it. Now just a warning it is kinda dirty lol so read at your own risk I'll leave the link below. I promise to continue this story of mine. Now on with the show!

The bells filled me with delight as I walked up the stone steps of the church. It was great to be back, but I couldn't help but feel somewhat nervous.
I had been gone for a while now and I didn't want to seem like an unreliable employee.
To calm my nerves I walked in, closed the door behind me, folded my hands and said a small silent prayer.
"Please God, forgive me for my choices and for my lack of work ethic."
"I'm sure he has forgiven you my child" said the archdeacon approaching me with a smile.
"Thanks, hope things haven't been too chaotic with me gone" I said feeling that stupid pain of guilt in my stomach again.
"Now Liliana, you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. We fully understand your situation, we're just glad you weren't seriously injured."
"So am I " I explained.
"Go on dear, your class is waiting for you."
I thanked him once again and made my way to the nursery.
As I walked in I was greeted with happy smiles from the babies and hugs from Chris and Angela. Clarissa on the other hand just looked annoyed as usual and pretended not to notice me.
"Thank god you're alright, oh your neck looks painful" said Chris.
"We heard about what happened from the archdeacon, we were so worried about you. Those damn gypsies are ruthless" said Angela.
"You're telling me, if it wasn't for the judge.. I'm sure I'd be dead" I said looking down ashamed.
"Well hurry up and get back to work, thanks to you I've had to pull your weight around here" said Clarissa practically throwing a crying baby into my arms.
I sighed, but attended to the crying baby boy.
"Don't mind her, she's just bearly discovering the meaning of a hard day's work. Her parents hand everything to her" Angela whispered to me.
I just shrugged it off, the last thing I needed today was to deal with my coworkers ugly attitude.
After a while all of the babies were put down for a nap. So the four of us talked amongst ourselves.
"So how was palace of justice lilly? Was it as fancy as others claim it to be?" Chris asked.
"Yes, it was nice. The servants were nice to. I met a sweet boy named Dominic and a quiet but very kind maid named Hestia. And the judge made my stay even more comfortable when he brought over my dog and he even helped me take special care of my horse."
"Oh, how nice. He must really like you" Chris said in a teasing tone, that made both me and Angela laugh but it also made Clarissa glare at me.
"He also mentioned that there is to be a ball" I said with excitement.
"Oh yes the teacher's appreciation ball. It's held around this time each year. We're looking forward to it. Hope you'll join us" said Angela.
But before I could respond Clarissa stood up, fists balled up, and face red as a tomato.
"You think you're so special don't you Liliana?!"
I looked at her in shock but Chris immediately shushed her.
"Clarissa, you're going to wake the babies!"
But Clarissa ignored her and continued to express her anger.
"You've only been here a few months, yet you seem to be getting the special treatment from everyone! Especially the judge! Well guess what peasant girl, you're not good enough for this nursery! You're not good enough for this city! And you're definitely not good enough for Judge Claude Frollo! So if I were you I'd get out of here before you case even more issues! Just because he saved you from gypsies doesn't make you special! It just means your stupid enough to ride out in the middle of the night and run into trouble! You're stupid, irresponsible and lazy! And as for the ball, I doubt you have anything to wear and no one will even know you there anyway! So just do us all a favor and just stay away!"
Her words weighed heavy on my heart and mind. Why I was letting them get to me was beyond me.
And even though Chris and Angela stood up to defend me, I let my emotions get the better of me and excused myself from the room.
I ignored my coworkers calling after me and just continued to walk till I found an area in the church to just let all my emotions out.
I slid down against the nearest wall, pulled my knees to my chest and cried into my arms.
I felt so stupid for coming back, stupid for everything that had happened, and even more stupid for crying.
I was so wrapped up in my emotions that I didn't realize someone had walked up to me.

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