Ch.22: Kiss in a cemetery

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When I finally reached the cemetery I searched each grave till I finally found Pats.
Just seeing that stone grave filled me with sadness.
Slowly approaching it, I sunk down to my knees and wrapped my arms around it.
"...Pat" I said before tears began to fall from my eyes.
"Why did you have to leave me? You don't know how hard it's been without you. I know you'd be upset with me for saying this, but I'm so glad I ran away. If I hadn't...I never would have met you. You brought so much happiness and kidness into my life..I just wish it could've lasted longer...I miss you so much."
With that said I cried my heart out.
So many emottions we're running throughout my body that I just couldn't contain them anymore.
I must of cried myself to sleep because next thing I knew, I found myself asleep at the foot of the grave. And the feeling of a horse sniffing me made my eyes burst open.
"S..snowball?" I said picking my head up and feeling a slight pain in my soar neck.
"Dear girl..what are you doing here?" I heard Frollo ask as he climbed down from the black stallion.
"I..I came to pay Pat a visit..must of dosed off" I said feeling really stupid.
Frollo sighed and placed his hand on top of my head.
"I worry about you dear, you always seem to be knee deep in trouble whenever I cross paths with you."
I shrugged, "Sorry..Did you come to pay your respects as well?" I asked.
"Oh I come here once in a while. My family is buried here as well."
"Can them?" I asked.
"My dear, nothing would delight me more" he said with a small smile.
With one hand he held onto snowballs reigns and held my hand in the other.
We walked in silence till we came across three graves.
One read R.I.P John Claude Frollo, another said Opal Marie Frollo and the last read,Jehan Frollo.
"Mother, Father, Jehan. I'd like to introduce you to Liliana, a dear friend of mine."
Holding both ends of my skirt, I curtsied to the Frollo family and said "Please to meet all of you. Your son and brother has been very kind to me."
Frollo smirked, "If only they were still here to greet you in person. However I would want you to be involved in the events that took place."
"I'm.. I'm sorry you had to go through that" I said holding onto his hand once again.
"Despite everything though, I envy you Judge Claude Frollo."
"Envy me? dear you know that jealousy is a very ugly thing don't you?" He said clearly trying to scold me.
"That may be, but you had something I didn't. You're family was together till the very end..your mother loved you...she never caused you intentional harm" I said as more stupid tears began to fall.
Frollo shushed me and put a hand to my cheek.
"You're still hurting from the pain she caused you, aren't you Liliana?"
I nodded, " he's here in Paris. When I explained why I ran away from my mother..he didn't believe me."
"Clearly he's in denial dear girl,..but I believe you."
His words touched my heart, his blue eyes looked so sincere. How could someone who's only known me a few months care so deeply for me, yet my own flesh and blood could care less if I was in pain?
"You..don't think I'd be better off back home?" I asked.
"Not at all, you deserve all the happiness in the world Lily..I couldn't bare it if I couldn't see you anymore."
I blushed, "I'm..not going anywhere any time soon" I explained before wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him.
Before I knew it his arms were around my waist and his fingers were running through my ponytail.
"No more tears lily.. I can't bare to see anymore sadness in your eyes."
I nodded, "Thank you...Claude" I said before reaching up and kissing his cheek once again.
I half expected him to pull away and clear his throat. Or give me some form of rejection.
But my heart leapt into my throat when he put his hands on both my cheeks and kissed me!
It happened so suddenly...I had forgotten to close my eyes...but this right.

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