Ch.19: That's not necessary

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"Liliana?..My dear why are you crying?"
I looked up with my eyes red and puffy to see the man who has been my defender through everything.
"Oh..good morning Frollo" I said as I quickly wiped away my tears and put on a fake smile.
He raised an eyebrow at me before kneeling down.
"I asked why are you crying?"he said in that stern tone I almost couldn't stand.
"I..I can't tell you" I said looking down.
"Why ever not? If not me then who can you tell?" He asked putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I just.. don't want to cause issues with least not more than I've already caused.. plus I don't want to be a burden to you. I'm sure you have more important things to be attending to other than a poor peasant girl like me."
To make me stop talking Frollo put a finger to my lips and shushed me.
"You are no burden Liliana, you are a blessing from God. Although you may be a little carefree and reckless god forgives all of us for our flaws. Now please for the last time, tell me what has upset you. If you don't tell me I can not help you and that my dear would be my only burden. As you can tell.. I care a great deal about you."
"But.. I'm not..good enough" I said as more tears fell from my eyes.
"Nonsense! Who would say such a thing?" Frollo said using his hands to wipe away the tears.
".... Clarissa... she's angry at me. She said..I'm not good enough for the nursery.. and that I shouldn't attend the ball because I've only been working a few months at the nursery...she also said..."
"I've heard enough Liliana, let's get you back to your classroom. She had no right to make you feel this way. I'll definitely be talking to her" Frollo said before helping me to my feet.
I shook my head at him.
"Please don't say anything, I really don't want there to be anymore drama. I know she hurt me but I don't want you to get mad at her."
Frollo smirked, "who said anything about being mean my dear? As my mother used to say to me long ago..kill them with kindness."
I wasn't sure what he meant but my heart was pounding faster and faster as we walked to the nursery.

"Good morning Ladies" Frollo said in a calm voice.
Chris and Angela said good morning with a smile.
As for Clarissa, she put down a baby that she was feeding in their crib, approached Frollo and bowed.
"Good morning your honor" she said in an annoying sweet tone that made my face cringe.
"Indeed, please excuse my intrusion ladies but I have come to remind the 4 of you about the upcoming ball. And it has come to my attention that some of you have been putting in the most required work possible. Where as others.. have not."
Clarissa smirked and turned towards me and whispered "Wonder who he's talking about.'
I rolled my eyes at her and just continued to listen to what Frollo had to say.
"Ms. Chris and Ms. Angela..the two of you have been nothing but faithful and loving towards this church and these children. And for that I commend the two of you."
Both Chris and Angela thanked him and continued to take care of the babies.
"As for the two of you... Ms. Liliana.. You have been nothing but kind and caring to these infants. I have seen all that you have done. True you may have only been here a short amount of time, but I admire your work ethic my dear and am very proud to have you here."
I smiled and couldn't help but feel proud when Chris and Angela applauded for me.
"Wait..what about me your honor?" Clarissa asked pulling in his sleeve.
Frollo frowned and pulled away from her.
"You Clarissa..need to put in more work."
All three of us gasped and Clarissa's mouth hung open.
"What..what do you mean sir?" She asked.
"I have had several complaints over these past several months about you. You leave early, you hardly spend any time with the children and from what I've heard you've been very cruel towards your coworkers."
"But..but..sir..I" Clarissa said through stutters.
"Enough, unless you get your attitude in order and show more work ethic, you will be uninvited to the ball. Do I make myself clear?"
Frollo said with a glare.
"...Yes sir..I'm sorry" Clarissa said lowering her head in shame.
"Good, my pleasure ladies, good-bye."
All of us said goodbye and I couldn't help but feel just a tiny bit sorry for Clarissa.
I mean she just got called out in front of all of us.
But I just shrugged it off and continued to work. Very pleased that Frollo had my back no matter what.

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