Ch.25: Our First Night together

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As we walked down the hall to Frollo's room, I could feel my palms sweating and my heart racing.
I mean I didn't expect anything to happen between us. But he's a man and I'm a woman and I remembered what Pat told me about what men and women do when they're alone.
"He wouldn't force me to do anything I wouldn't want to do...right?!" I asked myself in my mind.
I was getting more and more nervous as he opened the door to his room.
It was very spacious, with a king sized bed with black and white sheets. Another fire place, a bookshelf with plenty of holy looking books. And a small comfortable looking couch by a window.
I was busy looking around that I nearly jumped when when I felt Frollo embrace me from behind.
"You're shaking my dear, are you cold?" He asked.
I shook my head no and prayed he wouldn't see my beet red face that was burning up like crazy.
"Are you sure? I can light the fireplace if you'd like" he said running my shoulders.
"N-no I'm fine I promise" I said mentally screaming at myself for being so shaky.
Next thing I knew, Frollo lifted me into his arms and cradled me as if I was a small child.
"Just relax Lily, I would never force you to do something out of allow me" he said in an almost seductive voice.
I let out a small nervous squeak, and turned my face away. "No..I mean..I'm not ready for that yet" I said hoping that wouldn't piss him off.
"Very well dearest, I can assure you that I'll wait for as long as you wish."
With that said, Frollo set me down on the couch and took off my shoes. He asked for my concent to release my hair from my ponytail.
I sighed and  didn't even find it weird when Frollo held me once again and inhaled the scent of my hair.
"Such a sweet delicacy, just like the scent of a real Lily."
Gently he pushed me back onto the couch and covered me up with a soft, warm blanket.
"Sleep well my dear Liliana, may the angels watch over you."
"Good night Claude" I whispered before we shared one last kiss goodnight.
Soon enough my eyes fell heavy and I fell into a deep peaceful sleep.
"Liliana! Get in this house now!"
"Coming mama" I said as I got up from digging in our garden. I quickly dusted any dirt from my knees and made my way inside the house.
"Here I am mama, did you need help with dinner?" I asked hoping she'd be in a better mood.
"When were you planning on washing the damn dishes you lazy brat?!" She said before throwing one of the dirty dishes to the ground causing it to shatter.
"I.. I'm sorry mama..I was going to get them done once I was done with the garden" I explained.
"...Look at damn filthy! Never greatful for any of the clothes I make you! And always a damn burden on me! It's because of you I lost a son and husband! Now you're all I'm left with!" Mama screamed while braking more dishes.
"Mama..please.. I'm sorry.." I said trying to calm her down.
But she refused to listen to me and brought her angered balled up fist to the side of my nose.
I fell to ground, tears welling up in my eyes as the crimson blood stained both my dress and the floor.
I looked up at her hoping to see any kind of remorse or regret for what she had done. But those dreadful words escaped her lips once again.
"I'm glad your bleeding! You brought this along yourself you little brat!"
"Mama! Please stop! Mama no! Please don't say that! Stop!"
I said as I tried to shake myself out of that horrible nightmare.
It was only when my body made contact with the hard floor that I finally woke up.
I sat up and held my aching head, as sweat rolled down my face.
"Liliana, what happened?" Frollo asked as he knelt down beside me.
Not being able to hold back anymore, I held onto him and cried on his shoulder.
"I'm Sorry I woke you, it was damn nightmare again" I said through sobs.
"What nightmare? Frollo asked as he began to rock me.
"Remember how I told you about what my mother did to me?"
"Yes, I can recall what she did" Frollo said with a hint of anger in his voice.
"Well it haunts my nightmares some nights. I'm just sorry it has to be tonight."
Frollo shushed me and kissed my forehead to calm me down.
"Sleep in my bed Lily..I'll protect you from anymore nightmares" he said picking me back up into his arms.
This time I didn't feel nervous, I felt safe, I felt wanted.
Once both of us were under the covers I let him hold me. It was only then that sleep finally came back to me.

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