Ch.21: You're Not My Father!!

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"Lily?" Phoebus said with a big smile.
I couldn't bring myself to say anything, I just smiled back and hugged him.
I took a minute to look him over. He was definitely different than the last time I saw him.
He was taller, his blonde hair was almost shoulder length,  and his face had a bit of stubble to it.
"Look at you, all grown up and beautiful" he said before kissing me on my forehead.
Realizing my friends were still behind us, I cleared my throat and turned back towards them.
"Oh girls I'm sorry, Angela, Chris, this is my older brother Phoebus. Phoebus these are my friends and coworkers. We all work together at the nursery for Notre Dame" I explained.
"Nice to meet you ladies" he said flashing a charming smile that made both of my friends blush.
"Lily, you never told us you had a brother" said Chris in a teasing voice.
"He's been away training for the war, it's a complete surprise to me that he's even here" I said feeling a bit awkward.
"Oh well, let's give you two some time to catch up" said Angela getting up from the table.
"Okay, bye girls see you on Monday" I said giving both of them a hug goodbye.
They said their goodbyes to me and my brother before making their way out of the restaurant.
"I'm surprised to see you here to dear sister, why aren't you back home with mom?" Phoebus asked.
I sighed, "Because she doesn't want me. After you left, the family just wasn't the same. Dad was hardly ever home, he had to work 3 jobs just to support us. And our so called mother.. verbally and physically abused me."
Phoebus looked at me in shock.
"What are you talking about? Mom..would never do that..she loves us" he said clearly in denial.
"How would you know?! After you left she didn't know how to be a mom! She hit me and said she was glad I was bleeding!" I said losing my temper.
"Liliana, you need to control yourself! We're in a public place" Phoebus said trying to shush me.
"Well you're the one who doesn't believe me! I ran away from her and that's how I ended up here! And it was the best decision I've ever made!" I snapped.
"How can you think that? Do you have any idea how worried mom must be? Yes she made a mistake lilly but she's still your mother. And the best thing for you would be to go back home."
I couldn't believe he was sticking up for my mother and not hearing my side of the story at all.
"You're an idiot! And I don't have to listen to you!" I said as angry tears came to my eyes.
"Liliana, I'm your brother and I only want what's best for you. You really think you can make it out here on your own?" Phoebus asked as he reached for my hand.
"I've been doing great! I have a job, I have a house, and I have a life that I adore! I'm 21 years old and don't need a damn babysitter! You're not my father and you're not going to tell me what to do!"
With that said, I quickly ran out of the restaurant with Phoebus calling after me.
Not exactly how I wanted our reunion to go.
At this point, I needed to be around the only person who ever truly understood me.
So I headed straight for the cemetery.

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